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Pronunciation:  `apu'zishun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the act of positioning close together (or side by side); "it is the result of the juxtaposition of contrasting colors"
  2. [n]  (biology) growth in the thickness of a cell wall by the deposit of successive layers of material
  3. [n]  a grammatical relation between a word and a noun phrase that follows; "`Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer' is an example of apposition"
 Synonyms: collocation, juxtaposition
 See Also: development, emplacement, growing, growth, limiting, locating, location, maturation, modification, ontogenesis, ontogeny, placement, position, positioning, qualifying, tessellation



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Ap`po*si"tion\, n. [L. appositio, fr. apponere: cf.
F. apposition. See {Apposite}.]
1. The act of adding; application; accretion.
         It grows . . . by the apposition of new matter.
2. The putting of things in juxtaposition, or side by side;
   also, the condition of being so placed.
3. (Gram.) The state of two nouns or pronouns, put in the
   same case, without a connecting word between them; as, I
   admire Cicero, the orator. Here, the second noun explains
   or characterizes the first.
{Growth by apposition} (Physiol.), a mode of growth
   characteristic of non vascular tissues, in which nutritive
   matter from the blood is transformed on the surface of an
   organ into solid unorganized substance.