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Meaning of AIDE

Pronunciation:  eyd

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer
  2. [n]  someone who acts as assistant

AIDE is a 4 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: adjutant, aide-de-camp, auxiliary
 See Also: adjutant general, assistant, help, helper, military officer, nurse's aide, nursing aide, officer, supporter



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acolyte, ADC, adjutant, agent, aid, aide-de-camp, aider, ally, assistant, attendant, auxiliary, best man, brigadier, brigadier general, captain, chicken colonel, chief of staff, CO, coadjutant, coadjutor, coadjutress, coadjutrix, cohort, colleague, colonel, commandant, commander, commander in chief, commanding officer, commissioned officer, company officer, comrade, deputy, exec, executive officer, field marshal, field officer, first lieutenant, five-star general, four-star general, general, general officer, generalissimo, girl Friday, help, helper, helpmate, helpmeet, jemadar, junior officer, lieutenant, lieutenant colonel, lieutenant general, major, major general, man Friday, marechal, marshal, OD, officer, one-star general, orderly officer, paranymph, paraprofessional, partner, right hand, right-hand man, risaldar, second, senior officer, servant, shavetail, sideman, sirdar, staff officer, subahdar, subaltern, sublieutenant, supporting actor, supporting instrumentalist, the brass, the Old Man, three-star general, top brass, two-star general