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Meaning of WEIRD

Pronunciation:  weerd

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  Fate personified; one of the Three Weird Sisters
  2. [adj]  strikingly odd or unusual; "some trick of the moonlight; some weird effect of shadow"- Bram Stoker
  3. [adj]  suggesting the operation of supernatural influences; "an eldritch screech"; "the three weird sisters"; "stumps...had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures"- John Galsworthy; "an unearthly light"; "he could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din"- Henry Kingsley
 Synonyms: eldritch, strange, supernatural, uncanny, unearthly, unusual, Wyrd
 See Also: Anglo-Saxon deity



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Weird\ (w[=e]rd), n. [OE. wirde, werde, AS. wyrd fate,
    fortune, one of the Fates, fr. weor[eth]an to be, to become;
    akin to OS. wurd fate, OHG. wurt, Icel. ur[eth]r. [root]143.
    See {Worth} to become.]
    1. Fate; destiny; one of the Fates, or Norns; also, a
       prediction. [Obs. or Scot.]
    2. A spell or charm. [Obs. or Scot.] --Sir W. Scott.
  2. \Weird\, a.
    1. Of or pertaining to fate; concerned with destiny.
    2. Of or pertaining to witchcraft; caused by, or suggesting,
       magical influence; supernatural; unearthly; wild; as, a
       weird appearance, look, sound, etc.
             Myself too had weird seizures.        --Tennyson.
             Those sweet, low tones, that seemed like a weird
             incantation.                          --Longfellow.
    {Weird sisters}, the Fates. [Scot.] --G. Douglas.
    Note: Shakespeare uses the term for the three witches in
                The weird sisters, hand in hand, Posters of the
                sea and land.                      --Shak.
  3. \Weird\, v. t.
    To foretell the fate of; to predict; to destine to. [Scot.]