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Meaning of PHALLUS

Pronunciation:  'falus

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the male organ of copulation (`member' is a euphemism)
  2. [n]  genus of fungi having the cap or pileus hanging free around the stem
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 Synonyms: genus Phallus, member, penis
 See Also: cock, common stinkhorn, dick, erectile organ, family jewels, family Phallaceae, foreskin, fungus genus, glans penis, male genital organ, male genitalia, male genitals, male reproductive system, micropenis, microphallus, pecker, peter, Phallaceae, Phallus impudicus, Phallus ravenelii, prepuce, prick, shaft, tool, urethra, vena bulbi penis



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Phal"lus\, n.; pl. {Phalli}. [L., a phallus (in sense
1), Gr. ?.]
1. The emblem of the generative power in nature, carried in
   procession in the Bacchic orgies, or worshiped in various
2. (Anat.) The penis or clitoris, or the embryonic or
   primitive organ from which either may be derived.
3. (Bot.) A genus of fungi which have a fetid and disgusting
   odor; the stinkhorn.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: bag, ballocks, balls, basket, beard, breasts, cervix, clitoris, cod, cods, cullions, family jewels, female organs, genitalia, genitals, gonads, labia, labia majora, labia minora, lingam, lips, male organs, meat, nuts, nymphae, ovary, penis, private parts, privates, privy parts, pubic hair, pudenda, reproductive organs, rocks, scrotum, secondary sex characteristic, sex organs, spermary, testes, testicles, uterus, vagina, vulva, womb, yoni