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Meaning of EUCHARIST

Pronunciation:  'yookurist

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine
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 Synonyms: Eucharistic liturgy, Holy Sacrament, Liturgy, Lord's Supper, sacrament of the Eucharist
 See Also: Communion, Holy Communion, manduction, Offertory, sacrament, sacramental manduction



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The author of Christ`s Act in the Church concentrates on Protestantism, exploring the Calvinistic Eucharist traditions of the Presbyterians, members of the United Church of Christ, and Methodists (of whatever Wesleyan type). He also provides material pertinent to preaching, study of the Eucharist by laity, and practical local reform that implements recent revision of denominational rites.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Eu"cha*rist\, n. [L. eucharistia, Gr. e'ycharisti`a,
lit., a giving of thanks; e'y^ + cha`ris favor, grace,
thanks; akin to chai`rein to rejoice, and prob. to yearn: cf.
F. eucharistie.]
1. The act of giving thanks; thanksgiving. [Obs.]
         Led through the vale of tears to the region of
         eucharist and hallelujahs.            --South.
2. (Eccl.) The sacrament of the Lord's Supper; the solemn act
   of ceremony of commemorating the death of Christ, in the
   use of bread and wine, as the appointed emblems; the
   communion. -- See {Sacrament}.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: altar bread, baptism, bread, bread and wine, Communion, confirmation, consecrated bread, consecrated elements, consubstantiation, elements, extreme unction, Holy Communion, holy orders, Host, impanation, intinction, Last Supper, loaf, matrimony, penance, real presence, Sacrament Sunday, seven sacraments, subpanation, the Eucharist, the Holy Sacrament, the Sacrament, transubstantiation, wafer