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Meaning of BOSNIA

Pronunciation:  'bâzneeu

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a mountainous republic of south-central Europe; formerly part of the Ottoman Empire and Yugoslavia; voted for independence in 1992 but the mostly Serbian army of Yugoslavia refused to accept the vote and began `ethnic cleansing' to rid Bosnia of Croats and Muslims
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 Synonyms: Bosna i Hercegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
 See Also: European country, European nation, Sarajevo



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Ethnic hatred is centuries old. We shudder at the brutality and senseless loss in Bosnia Hercegovina, wondering if the very same seeds of hatred and revenge could dwell within us as well. Author David Manuel returns to Bosnia for the sixth time in eight years - this time looking for answers. Why did all the horror take place? What is left of a beautiful land? Where is the sanity, the faith? Where are the peacemakers? Journeying through war-torn cities and countryside, Manuel meets survivors - Serb, Muslim, Croat - and he listens to their stories. But Manuel is in for his biggest surprise when he discovers that maybe all is not hopeless, all is not dark. That maybe he is in Bosnia for reasons he could never have known before coming here. And what this means to the author, and ultimately to the reader is another journey altogether. Join David Manuel on this fascinating journey of land and soul. Discover for yourself what a broken land has to teach all of us.

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