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Pronunciation:  ba'rong, 'barun

Matching Terms:  Barocco, Barocyclonometer, baroduric, Barogram, barograph, barographic, Baroko, Barology, Baromacrometer, barometer, Barometric, barometric pressure, Barometrically, Barometrograph, Barometry, Barometz, Baron Adrian, Baron Alexander von Humboldt, Baron Clive, Baron Clive of Plassey, Baron de la Brede et de Montesquieu, Baron Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt, Baron Georges Cuvier, Baron Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, Baron Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding, Baron Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, Baron Karl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber, Baron Karl Wilhelm von Humboldt, Baron Lister, Baron Lloyd Webber of Sydmonton, Baron Munchausen, Baron Olivier of Birghton, Baron Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Baron Snow of Leicester, Baron Verulam, Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt, baronage, baronduki, Baroness, Baroness Dudevant, Baroness Emmusca Orczy, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth, Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven, Baronet, Baronetage, Baronetcy, baronetise, baronetize, barong, Baronial, barony, barophile, Baroque, baroqueness, baroreceptor, barosaur, barosaurus, Baroscope, Baroscopic, Barothermograph, barotolerant, barotrauma, Barouche, Barouchet

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a very wealthy or powerful businessman; "an oil baron"
  2. [n]  a British peer of the lowest rank
  3. [n]  a nobleman (in various countries) of varying rank
 Synonyms: big businessman, business leader, king, magnate, mogul, power, top executive, tycoon
 See Also: businessman, Lord, man of affairs, noble, nobleman, oil tycoon, peer



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Bar"on\, n. [OE. baron, barun, OF. baron, accus. of ber,
F. baron, prob. fr. OHG. baro (not found) bearer, akin to E.
bear to support; cf. O. Frisian bere, LL. baro, It. barone,
Sp. varon. From the meaning bearer (of burdens) seem to have
come the senses strong man, man (in distinction from woman),
which is the oldest meaning in French, and lastly, nobleman.
Cf. L. baro, simpleton. See {Bear} to support.]
1. A title or degree of nobility; originally, the possessor
   of a fief, who had feudal tenants under him; in modern
   times, in France and Germany, a nobleman next in rank
   below a count; in England, a nobleman of the lowest grade
   in the House of Lords, being next below a viscount.
Note: ``The tenants in chief from the Crown, who held lands
      of the annual value of four hundred pounds, were styled
      Barons; and it is to them, and not to the members of
      the lowest grade of the nobility (to whom the title at
      the present time belongs), that reference is made when
      we read of the Barons of the early days of England's
      history . . . . Barons are addressed as 'My Lord,' and
      are styled 'Right Honorable.' All their sons and
      daughters 'Honorable.''' --Cussans.
2. (Old Law) A husband; as, baron and feme, husband and wife.
   [R.] --Cowell.
{Baron of beef}, two sirloins not cut asunder at the
{Barons of the Cinque Ports}, formerly members of the House
   of Commons, elected by the seven Cinque Ports, two for
   each port.
{Baron of the exchequer}, the judges of the Court of
   Exchequer, one of the three ancient courts of England, now
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: archduke, aristocracy, aristocrat, armiger, banker, baronet, barons, big boss, big businessman, big gun, big man, big name, bigwig, blue blood, Brahman, brass, brass hat, business leader, businessman, captain of industry, celebrity, count, cream, czar, daimio, dignitary, dignity, director, duke, earl, elder, elite, enterpriser, entrepreneur, esquire, Establishment, father, figure, financier, gentleman, grand duke, grandee, great man, hidalgo, important person, industrialist, interests, king, lace-curtain, laird, landgrave, lion, little businessman, lord, lordling, lords of creation, magnate, magnifico, man of commerce, man of mark, manager, margrave, marquis, merchant prince, mogul, nabob, name, nobility, noble, nobleman, notability, notable, optimate, overlapping, palsgrave, panjandrum, patrician, peer, person of renown, personage, personality, pillar of society, power, power elite, power structure, prince, ruling circle, ruling circles, ruling class, sachem, seigneur, seignior, silk-stocking, somebody, something, squire, swell, the best, the best people, the brass, the great, the top, thoroughbred, top brass, top executive, top people, tycoon, upper class, upper crust, upper-cruster, very important person, VIP, viscount, waldgrave, worthy