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r ---> racemation
raceme ---> rad
radar ---> radio chassis
radio compass ---> radiotelegraphy
radiotelephone ---> ragweed
ragweed pollen ---> rainmaker
rainmaking ---> ramachandra
ramadan ---> ramulose
ramulous ---> ranitidine
rank ---> raphidae
raphides ---> raspatorium
raspatory ---> rational motive
rational number ---> raunsoun
rau-sed ---> razing
razmataz ---> readjust
readjuster ---> real-time operation
real-time processing ---> reassure
reassured ---> recalculation
recall ---> recherche
recherch'e ---> recognization
recognize ---> reconstitute
reconstruct ---> recruiter
recruiting-sergeant ---> recusative
recuse ---> red periwinkle
red phalarope ---> redditive
reddle ---> redissolve
redistill ---> reductive
reductively ---> reenjoy
reenjoyment ---> refinery
refining ---> refounder
refract ---> regalement
regaler ---> regius
regius professor ---> regulize
regulus ---> reinforced concrete
reinforcement ---> rekindle
rekne ---> relessor
re-let ---> reload
reloan ---> remilegia australis
remilitarisation ---> remunerated
remuneration ---> renouncer
renovate ---> repaster
repasture ---> replicate
replication ---> reprinting
reprisal ---> republic of iraq
republic of kazakhstan ---> reputeless
requere ---> researcher
researchful ---> residual soil
residuary ---> resort hotel
resort to ---> rest
rest area ---> restringe
restringency ---> retch
retchless ---> retitelae
retnol ---> retrouss'e
retrovaccination ---> revenuer
reverb ---> reviser
revising ---> rewin
rewire ---> rheeboc
rheic ---> rhinocerote
rhinocerotic ---> rhodesian
rhodesian man ---> rhyming
rhyming slang ---> riblike
riboflavin ---> ricinoleate
ricinoleic ---> riding habit
riding horse ---> right to speedy and public trial by jury
right to the pursuit of happiness ---> rily
rim ---> ringneck snake
ring-necked ---> ripplingly
ripply ---> river gum
river horse ---> roaring
roaring forties ---> robert robinson
robert schumann ---> rock cress
rock crystal ---> rockingham podocarp
rocking-horse ---> roger sessions
roger sherman ---> rolypoliness
roly-poly ---> rommany
rommel ---> roosa oil
roosevelt ---> rory
rosa ---> rose-red
rose-rial ---> rotating shaft
rotation ---> rough-dry
roughen ---> roundfish
roundhead ---> roy chapman andrews
roy lichtenstein ---> rubblework
rubbly ---> rucksack
ruckus ---> rufterhood
rug ---> rumex acetosa
rumex acetosella ---> runner-up
runner-up finish ---> rush aster
rush away ---> rusty grackle
rusty rig ---> ryukyuan