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Meaning of SLIPS

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Matching Terms:  slip, slip away, slip by, slip carriage, slip clutch, slip coach, slip friction clutch, slip in, slip noose, slip of paper, slip of the tongue, slip off, slip on, slip one's mind, slip ring, slip road, slip stitch, slip up, slipboard, slipcoat cheese, slipcover, slipes, slip-joint pliers, slipknot, slip-on, slipout, slipover, slippage, slipped disc, slipper, slipper orchid, slipper plant, slipper spurge, slippered, slipperily, slipperiness, slipperness, slippers, slipperwort, slippery, slippery dick, slippery elm, slippiness, slipping, slippy, slipshod, slipshoe, slipskin, slip-skin grape, slipslop, slipstick, slipstream, slipstring, slipthrift, slip-up, slipway

Computing Dictionary

"An Interpreter for SLIPS - An Applicative Language Based on Lambda-Calculus", V. Gehot et al, Comp Langs 11(1):1-14 (1986).