Meaning of PATCH
Pronunciation: | | pach
Matching Terms: | | patch pocket, patch pumpkin, patch space, patch test, patch up, patchboard, patchcord, patched, Patcher, Patchery, patchily, patchiness, patching, Patchingly, Patchouli, patchouly, patchwork, patchwork quilt, PATCHY
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | 1. A temporary addition to a piece of code, usually as a quick-and-dirty remedy to an existing bug or misfeature. A patch may or may not work, and may or may not eventually be incorporated permanently into the program. Distinguished from a diff or mod by the fact that a patch is generated by more primitive means than the rest of the program; the classical examples are instructions modified by using the front panel switches, and changes made directly to the binary executable of a program originally written in an HLL. Compare one-line fix. 2. To insert a patch into a piece of code. 3. [in the Unix world] A diff. 4. A set of modifications to binaries to be applied by a patching program. IBM systems often receive updates to the operating system in the form of absolute hexadecimal patches. If you have modified your OS, you have to disassemble these back to the source code. The patches might later be corrected by other patches on top of them (patches were said to "grow scar tissue"). The result was often a convoluted patch space and headaches galore. There is a classic story of a tiger team penetrating a secure military computer that illustrates the danger inherent in binary patches (or, indeed, any patches that you can't - or don't - inspect and examine before installing). They couldn't find any trap doors or any way to penetrate security of IBM's OS, so they made a site visit to an IBM office (remember, these were official military types who were purportedly on official business), swiped some IBM stationery, and created a fake patch. The patch was actually the trapdoor they needed. The patch was distributed at about the right time for an IBM patch, had official stationery and all accompanying documentation, and was dutifully installed. The installation manager very shortly thereafter learned something about proper procedures. 5. Larry Wall's "patch" utility, which automatically applies a patch to a set of source code or other text files. It accepts input in any of the four forms output by the Unix diff utility and uses many helpful heuristics to determine how to apply them. Diff and patch are the standard way of producing and applying updates to Unix files ditributed via Usenet and the Internet, both have been ported to other operating systems. See your nearest GNU archive site. [Jargon File] |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | actinic ray, actinism, area, atomic beam, atomic ray, aviation badge, badge, bailiwick, bar, bat out, beam, beam of light, birthmark, blaze, blemish, block, bloodstain, blot, blotch, blur, botch, brand, bring to terms, bungle, bury the hatchet, caste mark, check, checkmark, chevron, chicken, chip, cicatrix, clearing, clos, close, cobble, come to terms, commission, condition, corn field, cover, croft, crumb, cultivated land, cut, dab, dapple, dappledness, dappleness, darn, dash off, daub, discoloration, do anyhow, do by halves, do carelessly, do offhand, do up, doctor, dot, dottedness, eagle, earmark, enclave, engraving, epaulet, episode, experience, eyesore, fake up, field, fix, fix up, fleck, flick, flyspeck, forty, freckle, freckliness, fudge up, gamma ray, gash, gleam, graving, ground, hack, hash mark, hayfield, heal, Hershey bar, improvise, infrared ray, insignia of branch, interval, invisible radiation, jot, jury-rig, knock off, knock out, knock together, knock up, kraal, lash up, leam, lentigo, lot, macula, maculation, macule, mark, marking, mend, mole, morceau, morsel, mottle, mottledness, nevus, nick, nip, notch, oak leaf, organization insignia, overhaul, overseas bar, pad, paddy, pale, parachute badge, parcel, parcel of land, patch together, patch up, pencil, period, photon, piece, piece of land, pip, plat, plot, plot of ground, point, pointillage, pointillism, polka dot, pound out, prick, puncture, put in commission, put in order, put in repair, put in shape, quad, quadrangle, radiation, radiorays, ray, ray of light, ready, real estate, rebuild, recap, reconcile, recondition, reconstruct, reinforce, reinforcement, repair, resolve, responsibility, retread, revamp, ribbon, ribbon of light, rice paddy, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, scar, scarification, score, scotch, scrap, scratch, scratching, section, segment, service, service stripe, set right, set straight, set to rights, settle, sew up, shiver, shoulder patch, shoulder sleeve insignia, shred, slap up, sliver, smear, smirch, smithereen, smouch, smudge, smut, smutch, snick, snip, snippet, solar rays, spatter, speck, speckle, speckliness, spell, splash, splatter, splinter, splotch, spot, spottedness, spottiness, spread eagle, square, stage, stain, star, stigma, stipple, stippledness, stippling, stitch, straighten out, strawberry mark, streak, stream, stream of light, streamer, stripe, submarine badge, tag, taint, tarnish, tatter, tattoo, tattoo mark, territory, throw off, throw together, tick, time, tinker, tinker up, tittle, toss off, toss out, toss together, tract, trifle with, ultraviolet ray, vamp, violet ray, watermark, wheat field, whomp up, X ray |