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Meaning of NAVIGATOR

Pronunciation:  'navu`geytur

Computing Dictionary

Netscape Navigator

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: AB, able seaman, able-bodied seaman, aerial photographer, aircrew, aircrewman, Ancient Mariner, Argonaut, automatic pilot, avigator, bakehead, belly gunner, black gang, bluejacket, boatheader, boatsteerer, boatswain, boilerman, bombardier, buccaneer, bungs, cabin boy, captain, chief engineer, chief mate, chips, cicerone, commander, commissary steward, complement, courier, cowherd, coxswain, crew, crew chief, deck officer, deckhand, deckie, deep-sea man, dragoman, drover, Dylan, fair-weather sailor, fireman, fisherman, flight attendant, flight crew, Flying Dutchman, goatherd, guide, guidepost, guider, gun loader, gunner, Gyropilot, hand, hearty, helmsman, herd, herdsman, hospital steward, hostess, jack, jack afloat, jack-tar, jacky, landing signalman, limey, lobsterman, machine gunner, mail orderly, mariner, master, mate, matelot, mercury, meteorologist, naval officer, navigating officer, Neptune, OD, oiler, patron, pilot, pipes, pirate, pointer, Poseidon, privateer, purser, quartermaster, radio operator, river pilot, roustabout, sailing master, sailor, salt, sea dog, sea rover, seafarer, seafaring man, seaman, second mate, shepherd, shipman, shipmaster, skipper, snip, snips, sparks, steerer, steersman, steward, stewardess, stoker, tar, the Old Man, torpedoman, tour director, tour guide, Varuna, viking, watch, watch officer, water dog, whaler, wheelman, windjammer, windsailor, yeoman