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Pronunciation:  'mIkru`fown

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  device for converting sound waves into electrical energy
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 Synonyms: mike
 See Also: bug, capacitor microphone, condenser microphone, crystal microphone, electro-acoustic transducer, spike mike



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Mi"cro*phone\, n. [Micro- + Gr. ? sound, voice: cf.
F. microphone.] (Physics)
An instrument for intensifying and making audible very feeble
sounds. It produces its effects by the changes of intensity
in an electric current, occasioned by the variations in the
contact resistance of conducting bodies, especially of
imperfect conductors, under the action of acoustic
Computing Dictionary

Any electromechanical device designed to convert sound into an electrical signal.

A microphone converts an acoustic waveform consisting of alternating high and low air pressure travelling through the air into a voltage. To do this it uses some kind of pressure or movement sensor. The simplest kind of microphone is actually very similar in construction to a loudspeaker.

The analogue electrical signal can be fed into a computer's sound card where it is amplified and sampled to convert it into a digital waveform for storage or transmission.

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a microphone in your dream, suggests that you need to make be more assertive. You need to voice your opinions more strongly and make your views known. The microphone may also be a pun on someone in your life who is named "Mike"