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Meaning of LATTICE

Pronunciation:  'latis

Matching Terms:  latticed, latticelike, latticework, Latticing

Computing Dictionary

A partially ordered set in which all finite subsets have a least upper bound and greatest lower bound.

This definition has been standard at least since the 1930s and probably since Dedekind worked on lattice theory in the 19th century; though he may not have used that name.

See also complete lattice, domain theory.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: arabesque, atomic cluster, atomic pile, basketry, basketwork, bay, bay window, benzene ring, bow window, branched chain, breeder reactor, bricks, cadre, cancellation, case, casement, casement window, casing, chain, chain reactor, chain-reacting pile, chassis, closed chain, compound radical, cross-hatching, crossing-out, cycle, doorframe, fabric, fan window, fanlight, fast pile, filigree, frame, framework, framing, fret, fretwork, furnace, grate, grating, grid, gridiron, grille, grillwork, hachure, hatching, heterocycle, heterogeneous reactor, homocycle, homogeneous reactor, interlacement, intermediate pile, intertexture, intertwinement, Kekule formula, lace, lacery, lacework, lacing, lancet window, lantern, latticework, light, louver window, mesh, meshes, meshwork, molecule, net, netting, network, neutron factory, nuclear furnace, oriel, pane, picture frame, picture window, pile, plexure, plexus, plutonium reactor, port, porthole, power reactor, power-breeder reactor, raddle, radical, radioactive waste, reactor, reactor pile, reticle, reticulation, reticule, reticulum, riddle, ring, rods, rose window, sash, screen, screening, shell, side chain, sieve, simple radical, skeleton, skylight, slow pile, space-lattice, stellarator, straight chain, texture, tissue, tracery, transom, trellis, trelliswork, uranium reactor, wattle, weave, weaving, web, webbing, webwork, weft, wicker, wickerwork, wicket, window, window bay, window case, window frame, window glass, windowpane