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Meaning of INSTANCE

Pronunciation:  'instuns

Matching Terms:  instance variable, instancy

Computing Dictionary

An individual object of a certain class. While a class is just the type definition, an actual usage of a class is called "instance". Each instance of a class can have different values for its instance variables, i.e. its state.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abetment, adduce, anatomize, article, as an example, aspect, atomize, call to mind, case, case history, case in point, circumstantiate, citation, cite, cite a particular, count, cross reference, datum, demonstrate, demonstration, descend to particulars, detail, document, element, emblem, encouragement, enter into detail, event, example, exemplar, exemplification, exemplify, explanation, exponent, facet, fact, factor, for example, for instance, give a for-instance, give full particulars, goading, ground, illustrate, illustration, improper suggestion, incidental, indecent proposal, insistence, item, itemize, matter, minor detail, minutia, minutiae, motion, name, needling, object lesson, occurrence, particular, particularize, pass, point, precedent, pressing, pressure, pricking, prodding, proof, proposal, proposition, quotation, quote, reason, reference, regard, relevant instance, representative, request, resolution, respect, sample, sampling, say, sexual advance, specify, specimen, spell out, spurring, substantiate, suggestion, symbol, thing, type, typical example, urging