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Meaning of IDOL

Pronunciation:  'Idl

Computing Dictionary

Icon-Derived Object Language. An object-oriented preprocessor for Icon.

["Programming in Idol: An Object Primer", C.L. Jeffery, U Arizona CS TR #90-10].

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: Baal, big name, celebrity, companion, constellation, copy, cosset, cynosure, darling, dea, dead ringer, deity, demigod, demigoddess, deus, deva, devi, devil-god, divinity, double, duplicate, effigy, exact likeness, false god, favorite, fellow, fetish, figure, folk hero, fondling, galaxy, god, goddess, golden calf, graven image, great man, heathen god, hero, heroine, icon, ikon, image, immortal, important person, jewel, joss, Juggernaut, likeness, lion, living image, living picture, luminaries, luminary, man of mark, master spirit, match, mate, matinee idol, miniature, minion, mirroring, model, name, notability, notable, pagan deity, person of note, personage, pet, phoenix, photograph, picture, pleiad, pop hero, popular hero, popular idol, portrait, preference, public figure, reflection, resemblance, rubbing, semblance, shadow, similitude, simulacrum, social lion, somebody, spit and image, spitting image, spoiled child, star, superstar, symbol, the shining ones, trace, tracing, twin, very image, very picture, worthy