Meaning of IDEAL
Pronunciation: | | I'deeul
Matching Terms: | | idea, ideal gas, ideal solid, ideal solution, Idealess, idealisation, idealise, idealised, idealism, idealist, idealist explanation, Idealistic, ideality, idealization, idealize, idealized, Idealized CSP, Idealized Instruction Set, Idealizer, ideally, Idealogic, Idealogue, Ideat, ideate, Ideation, ideational
Computing Dictionary |
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1. Ideal DEductive Applicative Language. A language by Pier Bosco and Elio Giovannetti combining Miranda and Prolog. Function definitions can have a guard condition (introduced by ":-") which is a conjunction of equalities between arbitrary terms, including functions. These guards are solved by normal Prolog resolution and unification. It was originally compiled into C-Prolog but was eventually to be compiled to K-leaf. 2. A numerical constraint language written by Van Wyk of Stanford in 1980 for typesetting graphics in documents. It was inspired partly by Metafont and is distributed as part of Troff. ["A High-Level Language for Specifying Pictures", C.J. Van Wyk, ACM Trans Graphics 1(2):163-182 (Apr 1982)].
In domain theory, a non-empty, downward closed subset which is also closed under binary least upper bounds. I.e. anything less than an element is also an element and the least upper bound of any two elements is also an element.
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | absolute, abstract, academic, acme, ambition, apotheosis, apprehension, Arcadian, archetypal, archetype, archetypical, armchair, aspiration, assumption, autism, autistic thinking, basis, beau ideal, belief, best type, beyond all praise, brainstorm, calling, caprice, cause, celestial, chaste, chimerical, classic, classical, complete, complex idea, conceit, concept, conception, conceptual, conclusion, conjectural, conjecture, consideration, consummate, conviction, criterion, cynosure, defectless, dereism, dereistic thinking, dream, dreamery, Edenic, ego ideal, epitome, estimation, eternal object, eternal universal, example, excellent, exemplar, exemplary, fancied, fanciful, fancy, fantasy, faultless, feeling, fictitious, flawless, flight of fancy, formal cause, Geistesgeschichte, goal, good example, ground, guess, guiding light, guiding star, heavenly, Hegelian idea, hero, high goal, highest category, history of ideas, hypothesis, hypothetic, hypothetical, idealism, idealistic, ideality, idealization, idealized, ideals, ideate, ideational, ideatum, idee-force, ideological, idyllic, illusory, image, imaginary, imaginative exercise, imagined, immaculate, impeccable, impractical, impracticality, impression, inclination, indefectible, indefective, infallible, innate idea, inspiration, intellection, intention, irreproachable, jewel, judgment, just right, Kantian idea, lodestar, mainspring, man of men, masterpiece, masterwork, matter, millennial, mirror, model, moot, morals, motive, mythic, mythical, nonesuch, nonpareil, noosphere, notion, notional, noumenon, opinion, paradigm, paradigmatic, paradisal, paragon, pattern, pattern of perfection, peerless, percept, perception, perfect, persuasion, phoenix, Platonic form, Platonic idea, play of fancy, postulatory, precedential, presumption, principle, principles, prototypal, prototype, pure, quintessence, quintessential, quixotism, quixotry, reaching high, reaction, reason, reflection, regulative first principle, representative, romance, romantic, romanticism, sake, score, sentiment, shining example, simple idea, sinless, source, speculation, speculative, spotless, spring, stainless, standard, standards, subsistent form, supposition, supreme, surmise, suspicion, taintless, the Absolute, the Absolute Idea, the realized ideal, the Self-determined, theoretical, thought, transcendent, transcendent idea, transcendent nonempirical concept, transcendent universal, transcendental, typical, ulterior motive, unadulterated, unblemished, uncontaminated, unfaultable, universal, universal concept, universal essence, unmixed, unpracticalness, unreal, unrealism, unreality, unspotted, untainted, upward looking, Utopian, utopianism, vagary, very, very model, view, visionariness, visionary, vocation, whim, whimsy, wish fulfillment, wishful thinking, wish-fulfillment fantasy |