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Meaning of ENGINE

Pronunciation:  'enjun

Matching Terms:  engine block, engine cooling system, engine driver, engine failure, engine room, Engineer, Engineer Corps, engineering, engineering school, engineering science, engineer's chain, engineer's level, Engineman, Enginer, Enginery, Engines, Engine-sized, Engine-type generator, Enginous

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing an engine in your dream, represents your heart and its power. Dreaming that you engine is blown or disabled indicates that you have been betrayed.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: AC motor, aeromotor, air engine, alembic, anvil, apparatus, appliance, arc-jet engine, axial-flow turbojet, beam engine, bearings, blowing engine, boiler, caldron, cam, cam engine, camshaft, capacitor motor, commutator motor, compensated motor, compound motor, condensing engine, connecting rod, convenience, Corliss engine, crankcase, crankshaft, crucible, cylinder, cylinder head, diagonal engine, differential, direct-acting engine, donkey engine, drive, dynamo, dynamotor, electric motor, enginery, facility, fire engine, fixture, flywheel, gas jet, gas turbine engine, gearbox, gears, generator, hot-air engine, hydraulic engine, hydro-jet, impulse duct engine, inverted engine, ion engine, ion rocket, jet, lathe, locomotive, machine, machinery, mechanical aid, mechanical device, mechanism, melting pot, mortar, motive power, motor, Otto engine, outboard motor, pancake engine, piston, piston engine, piston rod, piston-valve engine, plasma engine, portable engine, power plant, power source, propeller-jet engine, propjet, pulse-jet engine, pumping engine, radial engine, ramjet, ramjet engine, reciprocating engine, refrigerating engine, resojet engine, retort, rocket engine, rocket motor, rotary engine, rotary-piston engine, rotor motor, servomotor, shunt motor, steam engine, supercharged engine, synchronous motor, test tube, three-phase motor, traction engine, transducer, transformer, transmission, turbine, turbojet, turbojet engine, turboprop, utility, variable-speed motor, vernier engine, vertical engine, Wankel engine