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WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a recording that is smaller than a phonograph record; played back by a laser
 Synonyms: CD, compact disk
 See Also: audio CD, audio compact disc, CD-R, CD-ROM, CD-WO, compact disc read-only memory, compact disc recordable, compact disc write-once, recording



Computing Dictionary

(CD) (Not "disk", this spelling is part of the standard).

A 4.72 inch disc developed by Sony and Philips that can store, on the same disc, still and/or moving images in monochrome and/or color; stereo or two separate sound tracks integrated with and/or separate from the images; and digital program and information files.

The same fabrication process is used to make both audio CDs and CD-ROMs for storing computer data, the only difference is in the device used to read the CD (the player or drive).

CD Information Center.

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a compact disc in your dream, represents a need for enjoyment or a distraction. It means opportunities and possibilities. Consider the type of music and the title of the compact disc. If you are giving away the CD, you may be trying to convey a message to that person within the songs. Consider also if the initial "CD" have any additional significance to you. Perhaps it represents a person or may even be a pun on something that is "seedy".