Meaning of ASTRAL
Pronunciation: | | 'astrul
Matching Terms: | | Astra Digital Radio, Astrachan, Astraddle, Astraean, Astragal, astragalar, Astragaloid, Astragalomancy, Astragalus, Astragalus alpinus, Astragalus danicus, Astragalus glycyphyllos, Astrakhan, Astrand, astrantia, Astrantia major, astraphobia, Astrapophobia, astray
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | A programming language based on Pascal, never implemented. ["ASTRAL: A Structured and Unified Approach to Database Design and Manipulation", T. Amble et al, in Proc of the Database Architecture Conf, Venice, June 1979]. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | airy, anagalactic, apparition, appearance, asomatous, asteroidal, astral body, astral spirit, astrologic, astrologistic, astrologous, astronomic, astrophysical, banshee, bliss body, bodiless, Buddhic body, causal body, celestial, circumplanetary, cislunar, control, Cynthian, daydreaming, daydreamy, decarnate, decarnated, departed spirit, design body, discarnate, disembodied, disembodied spirit, duppy, dybbuk, ectoplasmic, eidolon, empyreal, empyrean, equinoctial, ethereal, etheric, etheric body, extragalactic, extramundane, form, galactic, ghost, ghostish, ghostlike, ghostly, ghosty, grateful dead, guide, hant, haunt, heavenly, heliacal, highest, highest-ranking, idolum, immaterial, immateriality, impalpable, imponderable, incorporate, incorporeal, incorporeal being, incorporeity, insubstantial, intangible, intercosmic, interplanetary, intersidereal, interstellar, kamarupa, kamic body, larva, lemures, linga sharira, lunar, lunary, lunate, lunular, lunulate, manes, Masan, materialization, meteoric, meteoritic, mind body, nebular, nebulose, nebulous, nonmaterial, nonphysical, occult, oni, otherworldly, phantasm, phantasma, phantasmal, phantasmic, phantom, phantomic, phantomlike, planetal, planetarian, planetary, planetesimal, poltergeist, presence, psychic, revenant, semilunar, shade, shadow, shadowy, shape, shrouded spirit, sidereal, solar, soul body, specter, specterlike, spectral, spectral ghost, sphery, spirit, spiritual, spiritual body, spook, sprite, starry, star-spangled, star-studded, stellar, stellary, subtle body, supernatural, terrestrial, theophany, top-drawer, transmundane, unearthly, unembodied, unextended, unfleshly, unphysical, unsubstantial, unsubstantiality, unworldly, uranic, vision, visionary, vital body, walking dead man, wandering soul, wraith, wraithlike, wraithy, zodiacal, zombie |