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Meaning of ACCLAIM

Pronunciation:  u'kleym

Matching Terms:  Acclaimer

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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abide by, accede, accept, acclamation, acquiesce, acquiesce in, agree, agree to, agree with, applaud, applause, assent, big hand, burst of applause, buy, celebrity, character, cheer, cheer on, clap, clap the hands, clapping, clapping of hands, compliment, comply, consent, eclat, encore, exalt, fame, famousness, figure, give a hand, give the nod, glorify, glory, hail, hand, handclap, handclapping, hear it for, hold with, homage, honor, in toto, kudos, magnify, name, nod, nod assent, notoriety, notoriousness, ovation, plaudit, plaudits, popularity, praise, publicity, receive, reclame, recognition, recommend, renown, report, reputation, repute, reverence, root for, round of applause, subscribe to, take kindly to, the bubble reputation, thunder of applause, vogue, vote for, welcome, yes, yield assent