Meaning of CRIB
Pronunciation: | | krib
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Seeing a crib in your dream, suggests that you are harvesting or "babying" a new idea, creation or project. Alternatively, it may refer to your nurturing, protective, and caring nature. A more literal interpretation of this symbol, suggests that you may be yearning for a baby or that you are expecting a baby. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abiding place, abode, abstract, act like, address, affect, amplification, and, annex, appropriate, archives, armory, arsenal, assume, attic, bag, bagnio, bank, basement, bassinet, bawdy house, bawdyhouse, bay, beat, bed-davenport, beef, beguile of, bellyache, berth, betting house, betting parlor, bilingual text, bilk, bin, blast, blow off, bonded warehouse, bookcase, boost, booth, bordello, borrow, bottle up, box, box in, box up, brothel, bunco, bunk, bunk bed, bunker, burn, buttery, cabin, cage, camp bed, cantonment, cargo dock, casino, casket, cathouse, cavity, cell, cellar, cellule, chamber, cheat, check, chest, chisel, chorus, chouse, chouse out of, clavis, cloister, closet, coffin, cog, cog the dice, Colonial bed, compartment, con, confine, conservatory, constrain, coop, coop in, coop up, cop, copy, cork up, cot, counterfeit, cozen, crab, cradle, cramp, crash pad, crate, crypt, cupboard, day bed, decipherment, decoding, defraud, den, den of vice, depository, depot, detain, diddle, disorderly house, ditto, dive, do, do in, do like, do out of, dock, domicile, domus, door bed, double bed, double bunk, drawer, dump, duplex bed, dwelling, dwelling place, echo, elevator, embezzle, encage, encase, enclose, enclosed space, entomb, euchre, exchequer, extort, faithful translation, fake, feather bed, fence in, filch, finagle, flam, flat, fleece, flimflam, fob, fold-away bed, forge, four-poster, free translation, fudge, fuss, gambling den, gambling hall, gambling hell, gambling house, gaming house, garner, gatehouse, glory hole, gloss, glossary, go like, godown, gouge, grain bin, grain elevator, granary, gull, gyp, habitation, hammock, have, hayloft, haymow, hayrick, hell, hem in, hocus, hocus-pocus, hoke, hoke up, hold, hold in custody, hold in restraint, hole, hollow, Hollywood bed, hook, hospital bed, house of assignation, house of joy, house of prostitution, hut, hutch, imitate, immure, impound, infringe a copyright, inhibit, interlinear, interlinear translation, joint, keep in, keep in custody, keep in detention, key, king-size bed, kiosk, lean-to, library, lift, locker, lodging, lodging place, lodgment, loose translation, lower berth, lumber room, lumberyard, magasin, magazine, make like, make off with, manger, metaphrase, mew, mew up, mirror, mow, mulct, nest, nip, Nissen hut, outbuilding, outhouse, pack the deal, pad, pallet, palm, panel bed, panel den, panel house, paraphrase, pavilion, pen, pen up, pew, pigeon, pilfer, pinch, pipe berth, pirate, place, place to live, plagiarize, poach, pony, poolroom, poster bed, pound, practice fraud upon, purloin, quarter berth, queen-size bed, Quonset hut, rack, rail in, red-light district, reecho, reflect, repeat, repertory, repository, reservoir, residence, restatement, restrain, restrict, rewording, rick, roll-away bed, roof, rook, run away with, rustle, scam, screw, scrounge, seal up, seat, sell gold bricks, sentry box, shack, shackle, shanty, shave, shed, shelf, shoplift, shortchange, shut in, shut up, silo, simulate, single bed, sink of iniquity, snare, snatch, snitch, sofa-bed, sporting house, squawk, stack, stack room, stack the cards, stall, steal, stew, stews, stick, sting, stock room, storage, store, storehouse, storeroom, straiten, supply base, supply depot, swindle, swipe, take, take a dive, tank, tenderloin, tester bed, thieve, thimblerig, three-quarter bed, throw a fight, tollbooth, tollhouse, transcription, translation, transliteration, treasure house, treasure room, treasury, trot, truckle bed, trundle bed, vat, vault, victimize, walk off with, wall in, warehouse, whorehouse, wine cellar, yammer |