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Meaning of DITTO

Pronunciation:  'ditow

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a mark used to indicate the word above it should be repeated
  2. [v]  repeat an action or statement; "The next speaker dittoed her argument"
  3. [v]  repeat an action
 Synonyms: ditto mark
 See Also: ingeminate, iterate, mark, reiterate, repeat, repeat, restate, retell, take over



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Dit"to\, n.; pl. {Dittos}. [It., detto, ditto, fr. L.
    dictum. See {Dictum}.]
    The aforesaid thing; the same (as before). Often contracted
    to do., or to two ``turned commas'' (``), or small marks.
    Used in bills, books of account, tables of names, etc., to
    save repetition.
          A spacious table in the center, and a variety of
          smaller dittos in the corners.           --Dickens.
  2. \Dit"to\, adv.
    As before, or aforesaid; in the same manner; also.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accord, act like, actual thing, affect, afresh, again, agree, agree in opinion, agree with, alike, amount to, anew, as is, assume, balance, bis, bob, borrow, break even, burden, carbon, carbon copy, chant, chime in with, chorus, clone, close with, coequal, coequally, coextensively, coincide, coincidentally, come again, come to, come up to, compeer, concur, conform to, congruently, copy, correspond, correspondently, correspondingly, coterminously, counterfeit, counterpart, crib, da capo, de novo, dead ringer, do, do a repeat, do again, do like, do over, Doppelganger, double, draw, dupe, duplicate, duplication, echo, encore, equal, equally, equipollent, equivalent, even, even off, exact counterpart, facsimile, fake, fall in with, fellow, forge, from the beginning, geminate, go along with, go like, go with, hectograph, hoke, hoke up, homograph, homonym, homophone, ibid, ibidem, idem, identical same, identically, imitate, ingeminate, just the same, keep pace with, knot, like, likewise, make like, manifold, match, match up with, mate, measure up to, meet, microcopy, microfilm, mimeo, mimeograph, mirror, model, multigraph, multiply by two, no other, none other, once more, opposite number, over, over again, parallel, parrot, peer, Photostat, plagiarize, quadruplicate, quote, reach, redo, redouble, reduplicate, reduplication, reecho, reflect, refrain, regurgitate, reincarnate, renew, repeat, repetend, repetition, replica, replicate, replication, representation, reproduce, reproduction, revive, ritornello, rival, run abreast, run to, same here, say again, selfsame, side with, simulate, spit and image, spitting image, stack up with, stat, strike in with, synonym, synonymously, the same, the same difference, the same way, tie, touch, trace, transcribe, triplicate, twice over, twin, two times, undersong, very image, very same, Xerox