Meaning of TIMID
Pronunciation: | | 'timid
WordNet Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
- [n] people who are fearful and cautious; "whitewater rafting is not for the timid"
- [adj] showing fear and lack of confidence
- [adj] lacking conviction or boldness or courage; "faint heart ne'er won fair lady"
- [adj] lacking self-confidence; "stood in the doorway diffident and abashed"; "problems that call for bold not timid responses"; "a very unsure young man"
- [adj] contemptibly timid
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| Synonyms: | | bashful, cautious, coy, diffident, faint, fainthearted, intimidated, mousey, mousy, shy, timorous, trepid, unconfident, unmanful, unmanlike, unmanly, unsure |
| Antonyms: | | bold, brave | |
| See Also: | | afraid(p), backward, coward(a), cowardly, fearful, people, unadventurous, unassertive | |
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | | \Tim"id\, a. [L. timidus, fr. timere to fear; cf. Skr. tam
to become breathless, to become stupefief: cf. F. timide.]
Wanting courage to meet danger; easily frightened; timorous;
not bold; fearful; shy.
Poor is the triumph o'er the timid hare. --Thomson.
Syn: Fearful; timorous; afraid; cowardly; pusillanimous;
faint-hearted; shrinking; retiring. -- {Tim"id*ly}, adv.
-- {Tim"id*ness}, n.
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