| Definition: | |  Telex First published in 1984, Telex Iran established Gilles Peress`s reputation as a committed photojournalist and an exceptional book designer. Since it went out of print, Telex Iran has become one of the most sought-after photographic books. This reissue of Telex Iran shows that Peress`s decade-old photos have only gained impact with Iran`s continuing role as a key player in the Middle East. Telex Iran grew out of a trip Peress took to Iran in 1981 during the famous hostage drama. Deeply stirred, sometimes repelled by what he experienced during that trip, Peress communicated his thoughts by telex to a few friends back home. Distributed throughout Telex Iran , these messages function as a commentary running parallel to the highly personal photos Peress took at the same time. more details ... |