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Meaning of NEWSPAPER

Pronunciation:  'nooz`peypur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a newspaper as a physical object; "when it began to rain he covered his head with a newspaper"
  2. [n]  a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements; "he read his newspaper at breakfast"
  3. [n]  a business firm that publishes newspapers; "Murdoch owns many newspapers"
  4. [n]  cheap paper made from wood pulp and used for printing newspapers; "they used bales of newspaper every day"
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 Synonyms: newspaper publisher, newsprint, paper, paper, paper
 See Also: cartoon strip, column, comic strip, daily, editorial, feature, feature article, gazette, headline, news article, news item, news story, newspaper article, newspaper column, newspaper headline, paper, press, product, production, public press, publisher, publishing company, publishing firm, publishing house, rag, rotogravure, school newspaper, school paper, sheet, sports section, strip, tabloid



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\News"pa`per\, n.
A sheet of paper printed and distributed, at stated
intervals, for conveying intelligence of passing events,
advocating opinions, etc.; a public print that circulates
news, advertisements, proceedings of legislative bodies,
public announcements, etc.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing newspapers in your dream means that new light and insight will be shed on a problem that has been on your mind. You are seeking knowledge and answers to a problem. Alternatively, to see newspapers in your dream, implies that you need to be more vocal and express yourself. In other words, you need to make headlines. Dreaming that you try but fail to read a newspaper means your failure in some uncertain enterprise or that your reputation is in jeopardy.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: advice, broadcast journalism, daily, daily newspaper, extra, extra edition, gazette, information, intelligence, journalism, magazine, national newspaper, neighborhood newspaper, news, news agency, news medium, news service, newsiness, newsletter, newsmagazine, newspaper of record, newsworthiness, organ, paper, periodical, press association, radio, rag, reportage, review, sheet, special, special edition, tabloid, telegraph agency, television, the fourth estate, the press, tidings, weekly, weekly newspaper, wire service, word