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Meaning of HERE

Pronunciation:  heer, 'heeree

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the present location; this place; "where do we go from here?"
  2. [n]  queen of the Olympian gods in ancient Greek mythology; sister and wife of Zeus remembered for her jealously of the many mortal women Zeus fell in love with; identified with Roman Juno
  3. [adv]  in or at this place; where the speaker or writer is; "I work here"; "turn here"; "radio waves received here on Earth"
  4. [adv]  to this place (especially toward the speaker); "come here, please"
  5. [adv]  in this circumstance or respect or on this point or detail; "what do we have here?"; "here I must disagree"
  6. [adv]  at this time; now; "we'll adjourn here for lunch and discuss the remaining issues this afternoon"
 Synonyms: Hera, hither
 Antonyms: at that place, in that location, there, there, thither
 See Also: Greek deity, location



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Here\, n.
    Hair. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
  2. \Here\, pron.
    1. See {Her}, their. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
    2. Her; hers. See {Her}. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
  3. \Here\, adv. [OE. her, AS. h?r; akin to OS. h?r, D. hier,
    OHG. hiar, G. hier, Icel. & Goth. h?r, Dan. her, Sw. h["a]r;
    fr. root of E. he. See {He}.]
    1. In this place; in the place where the speaker is; --
       opposed to {there}.
             He is not here, for he is risen.      --Matt.
                                                   xxviii. 6.
    2. In the present life or state.
             Happy here, and more happy hereafter. --Bacon.
    3. To or into this place; hither. [Colloq.] See {Thither}.
             Here comes Virgil.                    --B. Jonson.
             Thou led'st me here.                  --Byron.
    4. At this point of time, or of an argument; now.
             The prisoner here made violent efforts to rise.
    Note: Here, in the last sense, is sometimes used before a
          verb without subject; as, Here goes, for Now (something
          or somebody) goes; -- especially occurring thus in
          drinking healths. ``Here's [a health] to thee, Dick.''
    {Here and there}, in one place and another; in a dispersed
       manner; irregularly. ``Footsteps here and there.''
    {It is neither, here nor there}, it is neither in this place
       nor in that, neither in one place nor in another; hence,
       it is to no purpose, irrelevant, nonsense.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aboard, among us, as of now, as things are, at present, at this juncture, at this moment, at this point, at this time, but now, even now, for the nonce, for this occasion, here and now, hereabout, hereabouts, hereat, hereinto, hereto, hereunto, hic et nunc, hither, hitherto, hitherward, hitherwards, in our time, in these days, in this place, in this vicinity, just here, just now, now, nowadays, on board, on the spot, somewhere about, there, this day, this night, to this place, today, tonight, with us