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Meaning of GURU

Pronunciation:  'gooroo

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a Hindu or Sikh religious leader and personal teacher
  2. [n]  a recognized leader in some field or of some movement; "a guru of genomics"
 See Also: leader, religious leader



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Computing Dictionary

An expert, especially in "Unix guru". Implies not only wizard skill but also a history of being a knowledge resource for others. Less often, used (with a qualifier) for other experts on other systems, as in "VMS guru".

See source of all good bits.

[Jargon File]

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a guru in your dream, suggests that you are trying to be more influential and powerful in the world. You are always in search for knowledge and inspiration.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abecedarian, angel, authority, bairagi, bashara, bhikhari, bhikshu, boss, Brahman, bwana, certified teacher, chef, chief, church dignitary, docent, doctor, dominie, don, ecclesiarch, educationist, educator, elder, elder statesman, employer, fellow, goodman, great soul, guide, holy man, husband, illuminate, instructor, intellect, intellectual, liege, liege lord, lord, lord paramount, lover of wisdom, maestro, mahatma, man of intellect, man of wisdom, mandarin, master, mastermind, melamed, mentor, mullah, oracle, overlord, padrone, pandit, paramount, paterfamilias, patriarch, patron, pedagogist, pedagogue, philosopher, preceptor, professor, pujari, pundit, purohit, rabbi, Ramwat, rishi, sage, sahib, saint, sannyasi, sapient, savant, scholar, schoolkeeper, schoolmaster, schoolteacher, seer, seigneur, seignior, starets, teacher, thinker, vairagi, wise man, wise old man, yogi, yogin