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Meaning of HUSBAND

Pronunciation:  'huzbund

Matching Terms:  Husbandable, Husbandage, Husbandless, husbandly, husbandman, husbandry, husband-wife privilege

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing your husband in your dream means your relationship with your husband and the unconscious feelings you have towards him. Dreaming that you have a husband (but you do not in your waking life), symbolizes some sort of partnership and/or commitment. Often, it is also representative of the qualities of your father in which you projected onto this figure or the masculine side of your own personality.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: benedict, boss, bridegroom, budget, bwana, chef, chief, church dignitary, conserve, consort, ecclesiarch, economize, elder, employer, enforce economies, goodman, groom, guru, helpmate, helpmeet, hoard, hold back, hubby, keep, keep back, keep by one, keep in reserve, keep in store, keep on hand, keep within compass, lay by, liege, liege lord, lord, lord paramount, make ends meet, man, manage, married man, master, mate, mister, old man, other half, overlord, padrone, paramount, partner, paterfamilias, patriarch, patron, preserve, put apart, put aside, put by, put something aside, rabbi, reserve, retain, sahib, save, save up, scrape, scrape and save, scrimp, seigneur, seignior, set apart, set aside, set by, skimp, spouse, starets, store, teacher, withhold