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Meaning of FIRMLY

Pronunciation:  furmlee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adv]  with resolute determination; "we firmly believed it"; "you must stand firm"
  2. [adv]  with firmness; "held hard to the railing"
  3. [adv]  in a secure manner; in a manner free from danger; "she held the child securely"
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 Synonyms: firm, hard, securely, steadfastly, unwaveringly



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Firm"ly\, adv.
In a firm manner.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adamantly, bec et ongles, bona fide, close, closely, committedly, compactly, consistently, constantly, deafeningly, decidedly, decisively, densely, determinedly, devotedly, dourly, earnestly, faithfully, fast, firm, fixedly, forcefully, forcibly, grimly, hammer and tongs, hardly, heart and soul, heartily, heavily, immovably, immutably, imperviously, implacably, impliably, impregnably, in all seriousness, in earnest, in good earnest, in good faith, inexorably, inflexibly, inseparably, intensely, intransigently, invincibly, invulnerably, ironhandedly, irreconcilably, irresistibly, like a bulldog, like a leech, loudly, loyally, lustily, mightily, obdurately, obstinately, perseveringly, persistently, powerfully, pungently, purposefully, relentlessly, resistantly, resolutely, resolvedly, responsibly, rigidly, rigorously, robustly, ruggedly, securely, seriously, sincerely, singlemindedly, solid, solidly, soundly, stalwartly, staunchly, steadfastly, steadily, sternly, stiffly, stoutly, strongly, sturdily, tenaciously, thick, thickly, tight, tightly, tooth and nail, unalterably, unbendingly, unchangeably, uncompromisingly, unregenerately, unrelentingly, unswervingly, unwaveringly, unyieldingly, vigorously, wholeheartedly, with a will, with constancy, with good faith, with total dedication