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Meaning of EASYGOING

Pronunciation:  'eezee'gowing

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  taking life easy; "an easygoing man rarely stirred to anger"; "an air of placid sufficiency"
  2. [adj]  not stressful; "an easygoing life as a parttime consultant"
  3. [adj]  not hurried or forced; "an easy walk around the block"; "at a leisurely (or easygoing) pace"
  4. [adj]  unhurried and relaxed; "an easygoing pace"; "a mellow conversation"
  5. [adj]  inclined to be excessively tolerant
 Synonyms: at ease, content(p), contented, easy, laid-back, leisurely, mellow, placid, relaxed, tolerant, undemanding, unhurried



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accepting, affable, afoot and lighthearted, airy, apathetic, at ease, at large, at liberty, ataractic, backward, blase, Bohemian, breezy, carefree, careless, casual, clear, clement, collected, comfortable, common, compassionate, composed, content, contented, cordial, cursory, dallying, degage, delaying, detached, devil-may-care, dilatory, dillydallying, disengaged, disinterested, dispassionate, disregardant, disregardful, drony, easy, emancipated, eupeptic, euphoric, even-tempered, faineant, familiar, flexible, flippant, folksy, foot-dragging, footloose, footloose and fancy-free, forbearant, forbearing, forgetful, forgiving, free, free and easy, free as air, freeborn, freed, gentle, go-as-you-please, gracious, happy, haymish, heedless, homely, homey, humane, impotent, imprecise, in the clear, inattentive, inconsiderate, incurious, indifferent, indolent, inexcitable, informal, insouciant, irregular, lackadaisical, laggard, lagging, lax, lazy, lenient, liberated, lingering, listless, loitering, loose, low-pressure, mellow, merciful, Micawberish, mild, mindless, moderate, natural, negligent, nonchalant, oblivious, of good comfort, offhand, offhanded, on the loose, overindulgent, overpermissive, patient, perfunctory, permissive, placid, plain, pleased, pococurante, poised, procrastinating, procrastinative, procrastinatory, reckless, reconciled, regardless, relaxed, released, remiss, resigned, respectless, sans souci, satisfied, scot-free, self-possessed, serene, shuffling, simple, slack, slipshod, sloppy, slothful, slow, sluggish, sociable, soft, tactless, tender, thoughtless, tolerant, tranquil, turned-off, unaffected, unambitious, unanxious, unassuming, unattached, unceremonious, uncommitted, uncomplaining, unconcerned, unconstrained, unconventional, undemanding, undiplomatic, undiscriminating, unengaged, unfussy, unheedful, unheeding, uninhibited, uninterested, uninvolved, unmindful, unofficial, unprepared, unready, unrepining, unreserved, unrestrained, unsolicitous, unstudied, untactful, unthinking, weak, wishy-washy, without care, work-shy