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Pronunciation:  `kântru'dikturee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  two propositions are contradictories if both cannot be true (or both cannot be false) at the same time
  2. [adj]  unable to be both true at the same time
  3. [adj]  in disagreement; "the figures are at odds with our findings"; "contradictory attributes of unjust justice and loving vindictiveness"- John Morley
  4. [adj]  that confounds or contradicts or confuses
  5. [adj]  of words so related that both cannot be true and both cannot be false; "`perfect' and `imperfect' are contradictory terms"
 Synonyms: antonymous, at odds(p), conflicting, confounding, incompatible, inconsistent, mutually exclusive, self-contradictory, unsupportive
 See Also: logical relation



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Con`tra*dict"o*ry\, a. [LL. contradictorius: cf.
    F. contradictoire.]
    1. Affirming the contrary; implying a denial of what has been
       asserted; also, mutually contradicting; inconsistent.
       ``Contradictory assertions.'' --South.
    2. Opposing or opposed; repugnant.
             Schemes . . . contradictory to common sense.
  2. \Con`tra*dict"o*ry\, n.; pl. {Contradictories}.
    1. A proposition or thing which denies or opposes another;
             It is common with princes to will contradictories.
    2. pl. (Logic) propositions with the same terms, but opposed
       to each other both in quality and quantity.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abjuratory, abnegative, absonant, adversary, adversative, adverse, adversive, alien, ambiguous, ambivalent, antagonistic, anti, antipathetic, antipodal, antipode, antipodean, antipole, antithesis, antithetic, antithetical, antonymous, at cross-purposes, at loggerheads, at odds, at variance, at war, balancing, breakaway, clashing, compensating, competitive, con, conflicting, confounding, confronting, confutative, confuting, contra, contradicting, contradistinct, contrapositive, contrarious, contrary, contrary to reason, contrasted, converse, counter, counteractant, counteracting, counteractive, counterbalancing, counterpoised, counterpole, countervailing, counterworking, cranky, cross, crotchety, dead against, denying, differing, disaccordant, disaffirming, disagreeable, disagreeing, disallowing, disavowing, disclaiming, discordant, discrepant, disharmonious, disowning, disproportionate, dissentient, dissident, dissonant, divergent, enemy, eyeball to eyeball, fallacious, faulty, flawed, fractious, grating, hostile, illogical, immiscible, inaccordant, inauthentic, incompatible, inconclusive, incongruous, inconsequent, inconsequential, inconsistent, inharmonious, inimical, invalid, inverse, irrational, jangling, jarring, loose, negating, negative, negatory, nonconformist, noncooperative, nonscientific, not following, nullifying, obstinate, obverse, opponent, opposed, opposing, opposite, oppositional, oppositive, oppugnant, out of accord, out of whack, overthwart, paradoxical, paralogical, perverse, polar, reactionary, reasonless, recalcitrant, recanting, refractory, refutative, refutatory, refuting, renitent, renunciative, renunciatory, repudiative, repugnant, resistant, reverse, revocative, revocatory, revolutionary, rival, self-annulling, self-contradictory, self-refuting, senseless, squared off, unauthentic, uncongenial, unconnected, uncooperative, unfavorable, unfriendly, unharmonious, unphilosophical, unpropitious, unreasonable, unscientific, variant, without reason