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Pronunciation:  'kântnuns

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the exercise of self constraint in sexual matters
  2. [n]  voluntary control over urinary and fecal discharge
 Synonyms: continency
 See Also: control, restraint, self-denial, self-discipline



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Con"ti*nence\, Continency \Con"ti*nen*cy\, n. [F.
continence, L. continentia. See {Continent}, and cf.
1. Self-restraint; self-command.
         He knew what to say; he knew also, when to leave
         off, -- a continence which is practiced by few
         writers.                              --Dryden.
2. The restraint which a person imposes upon his desires and
   passions; the act or power of refraining from indulgence
   of the sexual appetite, esp. from unlawful indulgence;
   sometimes, moderation in sexual indulgence.
         If they [the unmarried and widows] have not
         continency, let them marry.           --1 Cor. vii.
                                               9 (Rev. Ver.
         Chastity is either abstinence or continence:
         abstinence is that of virgins or widows; continence,
         that of married persons.              --Jer. Taylor.
3. Uninterrupted course; continuity. [Obs.] --Ayliffe.
Medical Dictionary
 Definition: ability to hold in a bowel movement or urine.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abnegation, abstainment, abstemiousness, abstention, abstinence, asceticism, avoidance, bachelordom, bachelorhood, bachelorism, bachelorship, banyan day, boundary, bounds, calm, calmness, celibacy, chasteness, chastity, confinement, conservatism, constraint, continency, control, cool, discipline, dispassion, Encratism, eschewal, evenness, fast, fish day, Friday, fruitarianism, gentleness, golden mean, gymnosophy, happy medium, impartiality, intactness, judiciousness, juste-milieu, lenity, Lenten fare, limit, limitation, maidenhead, maidenhood, meden agan, middle way, mildness, misogamy, misogyny, moderateness, moderation, moderationism, monachism, monasticism, nephalism, neutrality, nonviolence, nothing in excess, pacifism, plain living, Platonic love, prescription, proscription, prudence, purity, Pythagoreanism, Pythagorism, qualification, Rechabitism, refraining, refrainment, repose, restrain, restraint, restriction, self-abnegation, self-control, self-denial, self-restraint, serenity, sexual abstinence, Shakerism, simple diet, single blessedness, single state, singleness, sobriety, spare diet, Spartan fare, spinsterhood, stability, steadiness, Stoicism, teetotalism, temperance, temperateness, the pledge, total abstinence, tranquillity, unexcessiveness, unextravagance, unextremeness, unwed state, vegetarianism, via media, virgin state, virginity