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Meaning of FIELD

Pronunciation:  feeld

Matching Terms:  field artillery, field balm, field bean, field bindweed, field brome, field chamomile, field chickweed, field circus, field coil, field corn, field cricket, field data forms, field day, field dependence, field effect transistor, field emission, field event, field game, field garlic, field general, field glass, field glasses, field goal, field guide, field gun, field hockey, field hockey ball, field horsetail, field hospital, field house, field hut, field independence, field intensity, field judge, field line, field lupine, field magnet, field maple, field marigold, field marshal, field mint, field mouse, field mouse-ear, field mushroom, field mustard, field of battle, field of force, field of operation, field of regard, field of study, field of view, field officer, field pansy, field pea, field pennycress, field poppy, field press censorship, field pussytoes, field ration, field sandbur, field scabious, field servoid, field soybean, field spaniel, field sparrow, field speedwell, field sport, field strength, field strength unit, field tent, field thistle, field trial, field trip, field winding, field work, field wormwood, fielded, field-emission microscope, fielden, fielder, fieldfare, field-grade officer, fieldhand, fielding, fielding average, fieldmouse, field-pea plant, fieldpiece, field-programmable gate array, fields, field-sequential color television, field-sequential color television system, field-sequential color tv, field-sequential color tv system, fieldsman, fieldstone, field-test, fieldwork, fieldworker, fieldy

Video Dictionary
 Definition: One-half of a complete television picture consisting of one complete vertical scan of the video image containing 262.5 line for NTSC and 312.5 lines for PAL. Two fields make up a complete television picture frame. The first field of a frame contains all the odd numbered lines, and the second field contains all of the even numbered lines.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: academic discipline, academic specialty, aceldama, achievement, acreage, aerodrome, agora, air base, airdrome, airfield, airport, alerion, ambit, amphitheater, ample scope, animal charge, annulet, answer, applicants, applied science, arable, archery ground, area, arena, argent, armorial bearings, armory, arms, art, athletic field, auditorium, azure, back, backdrop, background, badminton court, bag, bailiwick, bandeau, bar, bar sinister, baseball field, basketball court, baton, battle line, battle site, battlefield, battleground, bear garden, bearings, beat, bend, bend sinister, billet, billiard parlor, blank check, blazon, blazonry, block, border, borderland, bordure, bounds, bowl, bowling alley, bowling green, boxing ring, breadth, broad arrow, bull ring, cadency mark, campus, candidates, canton, canvas, carte blanche, catch, champaign, chaplet, charge, chevron, chief, cincture, circle, circuit, circus, classical education, clearance, clearing, clos, close, coat of arms, cockatrice, cockpit, coliseum, colosseum, combat area, combat zone, common, compass, competition, competitor, competitors, concern, confine, confines, container, contender, contestant, continuum, coop, cope with, core curriculum, corn field, coronet, corrival, course, course of study, court, courtyard, crescent, crest, cricket ground, croft, croquet ground, croquet lawn, cross, cross moline, crown, cultivated land, cup of tea, curriculum, curtilage, deal with, delimited field, demesne, department, department of knowledge, device, diamond, difference, differencing, dimension, discipline, distance, division, DMZ, domain, dominion, eagle, elbowroom, elective, emptiness, empty space, emulator, enclave, enclosure, enemy line, entrant, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, expanse, expansion, expertise, extension, extent, fairway, falcon, fess, fess point, field of battle, field of blood, field of inquiry, field of study, file, firing line, flanch, fleur-de-lis, floor, fold, football field, forte, forty, forum, free course, free hand, free play, free scope, fret, front line, full scope, full swing, fur, fusil, galactic space, garland, general education, general studies, glaciarium, golf course, golf links, grassland, green, greensward, gridiron, griffin, ground, gules, gym, gymnasium, gyron, hall, handle, hatchment, hayfield, heliport, helmet, hemisphere, heraldic device, hinterland, humanities, ice rink, impalement, impaling, inescutcheon, infield, infinite space, interest, interstellar space, island, judicial circuit, jurisdiction, killing ground, kraal, label, land, landing, landing beach, landing field, latitude, lawn, lea, leeway, liberal arts, limits, line, line of battle, links, lion, list, lists, locale, long rope, long suit, lot, lozenge, main interest, major, maneuvering space, manipulate, manner, mantling, march, margin, marketplace, marshaling, martlet, mascle, mat, mead, meadow, measure, metal, metier, milieu, minor, mise-en-scene, motto, mullet, natural science, no holds barred, nombril point, nothingness, octofoil, ology, open forum, open space, or, orb, orbit, ordinary, orle, outer space, outfield, oval, paddy, palaestra, pale, paling, paly, parade ground, parcel of land, park, pasture, patch, pean, pen, pet subject, pheon, pick up, piece of land, pit, place, plat, platform, play, player, playground, playing field, playroom, plot, plot of ground, polo ground, pool hall, poolroom, port, possibilities, precinct, prize ring, proportion, proseminar, province, public square, pure science, purlieu, purpure, pursuit, purview, putting green, quad, quadrangle, quadrivium, quarter, quartering, racecourse, racket court, range, reach, real estate, realm, rear, refresher course, region, reply to, respond to, retrieve, return, rice paddy, ring, rink, rival, room, rope, rose, round, sable, saltire, scene, scene of action, scenery, science, scientific education, scope, scutcheon, sea room, seat of war, section, seminar, setting, shambles, shield, site, skating rink, soccer field, social science, space, spatial extension, specialism, speciality, specialization, specialty, sphere, spread, spread eagle, square, squared circle, squash court, stadium, stage, stage set, stage setting, stop, strength, stretch, strong point, study, style, subdiscipline, subject, subordinary, superficial extension, surface, sward, sweep, swing, technical education, technicality, technicology, technics, technology, tenne, tennis court, terrain, territory, the field, the front, theater, theater of operations, theater of war, thing, tilting ground, tiltyard, tincture, toft, tolerance, torse, track, tract, tressure, trivium, turf, type, unicorn, vair, vert, vier, vocation, void, walk, way, weakness, wheat field, wide berth, wreath, wrestling ring, yale, yard, zone of communications