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Pronunciation:  `defu'nishun

Matching Terms:  definitional, definitional constraint programming, definitions, see these names in the vocabulary.

Video Dictionary
 Definition: The aggregate of fine details available on-screen. The higher the image definition, the greater the number of details that can be discerned. During video recording and subsequent playback, several factors can conspire to cause a loss of definition. Among these are the limited frequency response of magnetic tapes and signal losses associated with electronic circuitry employed in the recording process. These losses occur because fine details appear in the highest frequency region of a video signal and this portion is usually the first casualty of signal degradation. Each additional generation of a videotape results in fewer and fewer fine details as losses are accumulated.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acutance, appellation, atmospheric visibility, baptism, black spot, bloom, blooping, bounding, calling, ceiling, ceiling unlimited, characterization, christening, circling-in, circumscribing, circumscription, clarification, clarity, clear-cutness, clearness, coherence, connectedness, consistency, conspicuity, conspicuousness, construction, crystal-clearness, crystallinity, definiteness, delimitation, delineation, demarcation, denomination, description, designation, determination, diagnosis, differentiation, directness, distinction, distinctness, encincture, evidence, evidentness, explanation, explication, explicitness, flare, focus, fringe area, ghost, granulation, grid, hard shadow, high visibility, identification, image, inclusion-exclusion, interpretation, limpidity, low visibility, lucidity, manifestness, meaning, multiple image, naming, nicknaming, noise, obviousness, outlining, patentness, pellucidity, percipi, perspicuity, picture, picture noise, picture shifts, plain English, plain speech, plain style, plainness, precision, prominence, rain, reading, resolution, rolling, scanning pattern, scintillation, seeing, sense, shading, sharpness, simplicity, snow, snowstorm, specification, straightforwardness, structure, styling, terming, transparency, transpicuity, unadorned style, unambiguousness, unequivocalness, unmistakableness, visibility unlimited, visibility zero, way of seeing