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Meaning of ANALOG

Pronunciation:  'an`log

Matching Terms:  analog computer, analog hardware design language, analog video, analog watch, analogal, analog-digital converter, analogic, analogical, analogically, analogicalness, analogies, analogise, analogism, analogist, analogize, analogon, analogous, analogously, analog-to-digital converter, analogue, analogue computer, analogy, analogy model

Video Dictionary
 Definition: A device or method which makes use of non-discrete variations in frequency, amplitude, location, etc., to symbolize or carry sounds, signals, mathematical data or other information. The signals vary continuously instead of in steps. Analog technology "mimics" information, so that, e.g., a voice is represented as an electrical signal with frequency and amplitude proportional to the pitch and volume of the voice. Traditional telephone and video technology are both analog (non-digital) in nature. Analog devices are characterized by dials and sliding mechanisms.