Westerns Page 3Joe Kidd (Full Frame) "Joe Kidd", which concerns a land war in New Mexico at the turn of the century, marks Clint... Lonesome Dove Box Set includes "Lonesome Dove," "Streets Of Laredo," and "Dead Man's Walk. Waterhole No. 3 Restless gambler and wayward rascal James Coburn can't resist a pretty lady or the chance at gold.... Bad Jim (Full Frame) James Brolin ("Capricorn One"), Richard Roundtree ("Shaft") and John Clark Gable (the only son of... Westward Ho (Full Frame) While searching for the brother he has been separated from since childhood, John Wayne forms a... Wicked Wicked West, The Between the realms of fantasy and the reality of the American frontier lies Miss Ryan's (Brenda... Red River One of the finest westerns ever made, this "monumental, sweeping and powerful" (Variety)... Return To Snowy River (Full Frame) Australia's breathtaking Victoria Alps set the backdrop for this spectacular epic saga. Tom... Bowery Boys: Bowery Buckaroos (Full Frame) After their success on Broadway, the "Dead End Kids" were recruited by Hollywood. Eventually these... Hangman's Knot "Hangman's Knot" is an exciting, suspense-filled Western starring Randolph Scott and an excellent... Rio Lobo A classic action-filled John Wayne western is set into motion with a spectacular robbery of a Union... Silver River (Full Frame) An ex-Civil War officer recieves a dishonerable discharge, becomes a powerful business man in... Over The Hill Gang Rides Again (Full Frame) A sequel to the very popular "Over-The-Hill Gang", which portrayed a group of retired Texas Rangers... Conagher (Full Frame) The Old West comes to life in this taut, searing, bloody tale of crime and vengeance starring Sam... Apache Uprising Ex-Confederate cavalryman Jim Walker (Rory Calhoun) confronts a heap of trouble when he rides... Way West, The (Full Frame) This sumptuous epic chronicles the legendary tale of the brave men and women who left the comfort... Man Who Shot Liberty, The Ranking with Stagecoach as one of the greatest of its genre, "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" is... Lawman Burt Lancaster is an uncompromising lawman who defies the odds when he single-handedly confronts a... Law And Order (Full Frame) Marshal Frame Johnson (Reagan) was ?hired to keep the peace in Tombstone, not kill people.? So,...