Romance Page 19Peyton Place (Full Frame) "Peyton Place" is the sensitive and poignant story of coming of age in a small New England village... Desk Set (Full Frame) In this spirited screwball classic filled with some of Tracy and Hepburn's sharpest repartee, they... Cuba Sean Connery("Entrapment") and Brooke Adams("Gas Food Lodging") lead an all-star cast in this... Little Miss Marker, Clamshell In one of her earliest and most popular roles, the adorable Shirley Temple single-handedly melts... Breath Of Scandal They can change her local, but they can't change her ways! Exiled from her familial estate for... North To Alaska The rousing comedy-adventure set in the Alaskan gold rush finds buddies Sam (Wayne)and George... Little Women (Full Frame) Winona Ryder (in an Oscar nominated role) and Academy Award winner Susan Sarandon (1995 Best... Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Full Frame) They're married for bitter or worse until a technicality renders the union void. But now Mr. Misses... Darby's Rangers (Full Frame) Depicts the gallant exploits of the American Rangers and their leader, Colonel William Darby, as he... Frankie & Johnny (Full Frame) Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer light up the screen in this captivating romantic comedy. Pfeiffer... Star Trek - The Original Series, Episode 73: The Lights of Zetar Strange-colored light entities take possession of Lt. Mira Romaine, Scotty's new love. If Kirk...