Classroom Music Page 3Studio 49 Grillodur Bass Xylophone Open Box (Xylophones (Orff)) This xylophone includes highly refined fiberglass bars with sound similar to xylophone bars; range... Wuhan Large Chau Gongs Closeout These Authentic Chao Gong's are made in Wuhan, China and crafted in centuries old hand hammered... Rhythm Band RB2317 New C Stock (Bells) Case for 25 note resonator bell set Warner Bros. Video Instrumental Classmates Open Box (CDs, Tapes & Videos) Instrumental Classmates is an entertaining, educational, musical adventure. This interactive video... Hal Leonard Recorder for Beginners Closeout (Recorder Instruction & Videos) Combines instruction for soprano, alto, and tenor recorders in one book. Teachers can teach...