RecordingMackie HR824 Powered (Single) Not Factory Sealed (Studio Monitors) Absolute accuracy from the only piece of equipment in the studio you can actually hear. The HR824... DOD SR831QXLR New B Stock (Equalizers) The SR831QXLR is a 1/3 octave, 31 band, constant Q equalizer housed in a two rack space, all steel... Boss BR1180 Digital Recording Studio New B Stock (Multitrack Recorders) The BR-1180 Digital Recording Studio takes the easy recording concept to the next level. Eight... M Audio C03 Coaxial, Optical, AES/EBU Converter Not Factory Sealed (Converters) The CO3 makes life in the digital studio a lot simpler by unifying the conversations between stereo... Tascam Porta 02 MKII Portastudio New B Stock (Multitrack Recorders) This totally portable four-track is great for practice and for recording your musical creations.... Tascam 102MKII (Tape Decks / Duplicators) In Stock. Best value mixdown cassette deck for the serious musician. This precision-built,... Tascam CC222 CD Recorder (CD Recorders & Duplicators) The world's first product that combines a rewritable CD recorder with a professional-quality... Tascam PB32W New B Stock (Patchbays) Ships free on orders over $99.00! 32 point professional patchbay. Tascam IFAD24 Not Factory Sealed (Recorder Peripherals) 24 channel ADAT lightpipe optical card for the MX2424.The IF-TAD simply converts between lightpipe... Tascam RC828 Not Factory Sealed (Recorder Peripherals) 4 Machine Remote Control. Provides transport, track arming, and 12 locate points for four machines. Tascam MX2424 New B Stock (Multitrack Recorders) A highly advanced hard disk recorder sets the standard for hard disk recording. Uses extensive... Tascam 424MKIII (Multitrack Recorders) In Stock. This self-contained 4-track cassette recorder/mixer is an ideal four-track recording... Tascam CDRW402 (CD Recorders & Duplicators) The CD-RW402 offers advanced CD player functions on both trays with with functions like call, auto... Samson Resolv 65a Powered Monitors (Pair) In Stock. 45 Day Lowest Price - 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. The New Active Reference Studio... Tascam 414MKII (Multitrack Recorders) In Stock. The 414mkII Portastudio is ideal for newcomers or those experienced in multitrack... Event PS6 Powered (Pair) Closeout (Studio Monitors) In Stock. 45 Day Lowest Price - 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Below cost blowout! One Pair,... Alesis Monitor One Mk2 (Pair) Not Factory Sealed (Studio Monitors) Improvement over perfection. The new Monitor One reference monitor design incorporates a greater... Boss BR8 New B Stock (Multitrack Recorders) 8-track digital recording workstation for guitar players and other musicians seeking an affordable,... Alesis ADAT LX20 For musicians, home studio owners, or users of other ADAT models wishing to supplement an existing... Alesis 3630 Compressor New B Stock (Compressors, Limiter, Gates) The 3630 Compressor is the most popular dynamics processor ever made! This classic compressor from... Alesis Masterlink: ML9600 New B Stock (CD Recorders & Duplicators) Need we say more? The Alesis Masterlink is THE standard for doing mix-downs, archiving your mixes,... Samson RESOLV 50a Active Studio Monitors (Pair) In Stock. 45 Day Lowest Price - 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. The RESOLV 50a Active Monitors Sound... Samson RESOLV 65 Passive Studio Monitors (Pair) In Stock. 45 Day Lowest Price - 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. The Resolv 65 Passive Reference... Alesis ADAT LX20 For musicians, home studio owners, or users of other ADAT models wishing to supplement an existing... Peavey Feedback Ferret Find It, Fix It, and Forget It with the Feedback Ferret! This single rack-space unit does it all,... Korg D1600V40 with CD Burner and 40GB Hard Drive In Stock. D1600V40 Digital Recording Studio - An affordable 16-track digital recorder that packs... Zoom PS02 Personal Recording Studio (Multitrack Recorders) In Stock. NEW LOWER PRICE! The World's Smallest Multi-Track Recorder. 3-Tracks Of Audio With... Tascam CDRW5000 (CD Recorders & Duplicators) In Stock. Stand-alone CD-R/CD-RW Soundcraft Absolute 2 Reference Monitor New B Stock (Studio Monitors) Whatever the size of your studio, whether you're mixing music or dubbing sound for picture, the... KORG D1600 with CD Burner New B Stock (Multitrack Recorders) D1600 Digital Recording Studio - An affordable 16-track digital recorder that packs recording,... Nady SM250A 100W Biamped Studio Monitors (Pair) Pair In Stock. 45 Day Lowest Price - 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Blowout! Superb magnetically-shielded... Mackie HRS120 Subwoofer New B Stock (Studio Subwoofers) The Mackie HRS120 is a THX-approved, twelve-inch active subwoofer that is ideal for applications... Mackie HR824 Powered (Single) New B Stock (Studio Monitors) Absolute accuracy from the only piece of equipment in the studio you can actually hear. The HR824... JVC TDW354BK Dual Cassette (Tape Decks / Duplicators) In Stock. The TD-W354BK is JVC's double-mechanism cassette deck which featured Compu Calibration, a... TC Electronic Voice Craft Not Factory Sealed (Vocal Processors) Take your vocal processing to the next level. Alesis Masterlink: ML9600 Not Factory Sealed (CD Recorders & Duplicators) Need we say more? The Alesis Masterlink is THE standard for doing mix-downs, archiving your mixes,... Alesis DEQ230 Not Factory Sealed (Equalizers) The Alesis DEQ-230 is like no other equalizer on the market. Featuring a total 62 bands of 24 bit... KORG D12 Used C Quality (Multitrack Recorders) The D12 digital recording workstation featuring 12 tracks of pristine digital audio recording,... Bellari RP533 Studio Tube Multi Processor Open Box (Compressors, Limiter, Gates) The "BELLARI" RP533 Is Ideal For Vocals, Instruments, Or any Application Where Signal Processing Is... Tascam Portastudio 464 4 Track New B Stock (Multitrack Recorders) Portastudio 464 high-quality 4-track multitracker with 4 XLR inputs, 4 stereo inputs, 4 tape outs,... KORG D1200MKII Not Factory Sealed (Multitrack Recorders) The new D1200mkII Digital Recording Studio is a sophisticated, portable studio designed around the... Korg D12 (Multitrack Recorders) In Stock. The D12 digital recording workstation featuring 12 tracks of pristine digital audio... Event 20/20bas V2 (Single) Not Factory Sealed (Studio Monitors) For years, the 20/20bas has put true world-class reference monitoring into the hands of musicians... Alesis HD24 Hard Disk 24 Track Recorder Not Factory Sealed (Multitrack Recorders) The Alesis HD24 is THE industry standard stand alone hard disc recorder! The HD24 24-track hard... Event PS6 Powered (Pair) New B Stock (Studio Monitors) Below cost blowout! One Pair, full-range project studio series monitors. Edirol MA5A New B Stock (Studio Monitors) Ships free on orders over $99.00! Bass-reflex system powered speakers in a compact design that... Fostex VF160CDR New B Stock (Multitrack Recorders) Here's the next generation hard disk 16-track digital recording/editing/mixing/CD mastering power... Samson C COM Optical Compressor New B Stock (Compressors, Limiter, Gates) Ships free on orders over $99.00! Optical Compressors Are Sought After For The Distinctive... Samson S Com 4 Four Channel Compressor/Gate New B Stock (Compressors, Limiter, Gates) The S.Com 4 Is A Compact and Versatile Single-Rack Device That Provides Four Channels Of High... Presonus GTX44 Quad Gate/Expander New B Stock (Compressors, Limiter, Gates) The GTX44 raises the bar in professional four channel noisegate/expanders. Packed with pro features... Alesis DEQ230D New B Stock (Equalizers) The Alesis DEQ-230D is the same as the DEQ-230, but adds a DIGITAL input/output with true 24 bit... TC Electronic Finalizer Express (Compressors, Limiter, Gates) In Stock. 45 Day Lowest Price - 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. The Finalizer Express is the fast and... Presonus CL44 Four Channel Compressor/Limiter New B Stock (Compressors, Limiter, Gates) The CL44 forges new technology ahead in four channel compressor limiters. Pro features include... Lexicon MPX110 Not Factory Sealed (Effects Processors) The next generation in signal processing from Lexicon. This 24 bit dual channel, true stereo... Tascam 2488 Portastudio (Multitrack Recorders) In Stock. 24 track, 24 bit, 36-channel Digital Portastudio with 40 gig hard drive, built-in CD-RW... Tascam CDD1x4 Professional Multi CD Duplicator New B Stock (CD Recorders & Duplicators) CD-D1X4 is TASCAM's Professional 1x4 4 space Rack mountable CD Duplicator. The CD-D1x4 is an... Marantz PMD201 Cassette Recorder (Tape Decks / Duplicators) In Stock. A portable 2-speed cassette recorder with a built-in speaker. Operates at the standard... TC Helicon Voice Prism Plus (Vocal Processors) In Stock. 45 Day Lowest Price - 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Both a lead voice and harmony... Dynaudio Acoustics BM6A Active Nearfield Monitors (Pair) New B Stock (Studio Monitors) Applications for the BM6a cover every aspect of sound engineering and reproduction, including music... TC Electronic Finalizer 96K New B Stock (Compressors, Limiter, Gates) A one-unit solution to convert, shape, enhance, normalize, expand, squeeze, trim, fade, dither, and... TC Electronic M2000 Stereo Effects Processor In Stock. 45 Day Lowest Price - 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. The M2000 provides you with a broad... TC Electronic Intonator New B Stock (Vocal Processors) Encompassing a heritage of more than 20 years of delivering professional tools to the pro audio... Tascam MD301MKII (Multitrack Recorders) In Stock. The MD-301mkII is a cost effective rackmountable two-track MiniDisc system designed for... Roland VS1880HD New B Stock (Multitrack Recorders) 24 bit digital studio workstation with 18-track recording and CD-RW mastering capability. Limited... Tascam DA78HR New B Stock (Multitrack Recorders) The DA-78HR is the world's first 24-bit modular digital multitrack (MDM) recorder. Designed to add... KORG D12 Used B Quality (Multitrack Recorders) The D12 digital recording workstation featuring 12 tracks of pristine digital audio recording,... Zoom MRS1608 16 Track Digital Recorder Not Factory Sealed (Multitrack Recorders) The MRS-1608CD Is A 16 Track Digital Audio Workstation That Records To A 40 GB Internal Hard Drive,... Presonus COMP16 Mono Preset Compressor New B Stock (Compressors, Limiter, Gates) Ships free on orders over $99.00! Based on the award winning BlueMax compressor design, the COMP16... TC Electronic Intonator Not Factory Sealed (Vocal Processors) Encompassing a heritage of more than 20 years of delivering professional tools to the pro audio... TC Helicon Voice Prism Plus Not Factory Sealed (Vocal Processors) Both a lead voice and harmony processor under preset control, it includes lead-voice modeling and... Nady SM250A 100W Biamped Studio Monitors (Pair) New C Stock Blowout! Superb magnetically-shielded active studio monitors with built-in 100W bi-amped power (50W... KRK V4 Series 2 Powered Monitor (Single) New B Stock (Studio Monitors) V Series 2 monitors are hallmarked by defined low end, articulate midrange and precise highs,... Korg D1200 Digital Recording Studio (Multitrack Recorders) In Stock. The D1200 is a 12-track hard disk recorder with the songwriter in mind. This model is... Zoom PS04 Digital Recorder In Stock. ZOOM Introduces The PS-04 Palmtop Studio. It Is The Ultimate Sketch Pad. The PS-04... Nady SM120 Passive Studio Monitors (Pair) Pair Free Shipping - In Stock. 45 Day Lowest Price - 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Blowout! Superb...