Back to SchoolTascam FW1884 Not Factory Sealed (Control Surfaces) The FW-1884 is a professional DAW control surface and audio/MIDI interface that uses the FireWire... Datasonics Mastering Music Lessons (Music Educator) Creative teaching for the contemporary classroom! Datasonics Music Master Performa (Notation and Scoring) Music Master Performa provides tight linking of MIDI and notation events for fast and accurate song... MIDIworks Interactive Composer Notes Jr. Music Toolkit (Instructional & Theory) Ships free on orders over $99.00! A new electronic resource book offering creative music activities... Datasonics Music Master Publisher (Music Educator) Music Master Publisher offers high quality notation, unlimited staves, and great sequencing... Datasonics Music Master Professional (Notation and Scoring) Music Master Professional provides tight linking of MIDI and notation events for fast and accurate... MIDIworks Interactive Composer Notes (Instructional & Theory) COMPOSER NOTES Volume 1 is an electronic book containing a learning framework to target... SSoM Software Music Admin Pro (Music Educator) Music Admin Pro is a simple to use, intuitive program which handles every administrative aspect of... Harmonic Vision Music Ace Open Box (Music Educator) Ships free on orders over $99.00! Award-winning Music Ace Series unlocks your child's hidden... Tascam US428 Digital Workstation Controller (Control Surfaces) In Stock. Tascam and Frontier Design Group have partnered together to create the first major... Rising Software Auralia 2 Windows (Instructional & Theory) This upgrade has a large array of new administration features which makes this extremely appealing... Tascam US122 Audio/MIDI Interface In Stock. The US-122 is a Mac and Windows compatible USB audio and MIDI interface. It features two... Midiman USB Midisport 2x4 Not Factory Sealed (Midi Interfaces) This compact multi-port MIDI interface for USB-equipped PC and Mac computers is bus-powered, making... Tascam FW1884 (Control Surfaces) In Stock. The FW-1884 is a professional DAW control surface and audio/MIDI interface that uses the... Terratec Phono Preamp New C Stock (Audio Interfaces) Ships free on orders over $99.00! Use it to convert your vinyl to digital. Steinberg Groove Agent Virtual Drummer Open Box (Virtual Instruments) Groove Agent is a stunning new VSTi that provides you with ready-to-go drum rhythms in only a few...