Meaning of VILLI
Matching Terms: | | Vill, Villa, Village, village green, Villager, Villagery, Villages, Villahermosa, Villain, villainage, villainess, Villainous, villainousness, Villainy, Villakin, Villa-Lobos, Villan, Villanage, Villanel, Villanella, Villanelle, Villanette, Villanize, Villanizer, Villanous, Villanousness, Villany, Villard, Villatic, Villein, villeinage, Villenage, Villenous, Villiform, villoma, Villon, Villose, Villosity, villous, villus
Medical Dictionary |
| Definition: | | tiny, finger-like projections on the surface of the small intestine that help absorb nutrients. |
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