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Meaning of IRIS

Pronunciation:  'Iris

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: The round, colored membrane of the eye surrounding the pupil, which serves to control the amount of light reaching the retina.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: antigorite, baby blues, band, banjo eyes, bar, bespangle, bespeckle, bespot, blotch, bright eyes, butterfly, candy cane, chameleon, check, checker, cheetah, chrysotile, clear eyes, confetti, cornea, crazy quilt, Dalmatian, dapple, dot, eye, eyeball, eyelid, firedog, flake, fleck, freckle, goggle eyes, harlequin, iridesce, iridize, jaguar, lens, leopard, lid, mackerel, mackerel sky, maculate, marble, marbled paper, marbleize, moire, mother-of-pearl, motley, mottle, nacre, naked eye, nictitating membrane, ocelot, oculus, opal, opalesce, ophite, optic, optic nerve, orb, organ of vision, patchwork quilt, peacock, peeper, pepper, polychrome, polychromize, popeyes, pupil, rainbow, retina, saucer eyes, sclera, serpentine, serpentine marble, shot silk, spangle, speck, speckle, spectrum, splotch, spot, sprinkle, starry orbs, stigmatize, stipple, streak, striate, stripe, stud, tattoo, tessellate, tortoise shell, unaided eye, variegate, vein, visual organ, zebra