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Meaning of HIVES

Pronunciation:  hIvz

Matching Terms:  hive, hive away, hive off, hive up, Hiveless, Hiver

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: see urticaria
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acne, acne vulgaris, allergen, allergic disorder, allergy, asthma, breaking out, conjunctivitis, cosmetic dermatitis, dermamycosis, dermatitis, dermatosis, diaper rash, drug rash, eczema, efflorescence, elephantiasis, epithelioma, eruption, erysipelas, erythema, exanthem, hay fever, heat rash, herpes, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, impetigo, itch, jungle rot, leprosy, lichen, lichen primus, lupus, lupus vulgaris, miliaria, nettle rash, papular rash, pemphigus, pollinosis, prickly heat, pruigo, pruritus, psora, rash, ringworm, rose cold, rupia, scabies, shingles, skin cancer, skin eruption, tetter, urticaria, vaccine rash