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Meaning of GANGRENE

Pronunciation:  'ganggreen

Matching Terms:  Gangrenate, Gangrenescent, gangrenous

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: The death of body tissue. It is most often caused by a loss of blood flow, especially in the legs and feet.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: break up, canker, caries, carrion, corrupt, corruption, crumble, crumble into dust, dandruff, decay, decompose, decomposition, disintegrate, dry gangrene, dry rot, excrement, fall into decay, fall to pieces, fester, filth, foul matter, foulness, furfur, gas gangrene, go bad, go to pieces, mess, mildew, moist gangrene, mold, molder, mortification, mortify, muck, mucus, necrose, necrosis, necrotic tissue, noma, obscenity, ordure, pus, putrefaction, putrefy, putresce, putrescence, putrid matter, putridity, putridness, rancidity, rancidness, rankle, rankness, rot, rottenness, scurf, scuz, slime, slough, smut, snot, sordes, sphacelate, sphacelation, sphacelus, spoil, spoilage, suppurate, tooth decay