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Meaning of FIBER

Pronunciation:  'fIbur

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Matching Terms:  fiber bundle, fiber distributed data interface, fiber optic cable, fiber optic interrepeater link, fiber optics, fiberboard, fibered, fiber-faced, fiberglass, fiberless, fiberoptic, fiber-optic, fiberoptic bronchoscope, fiberoptic bronchoscopy, fiberoptic instruments, fiber-optic transmission system, fiberoptics, fiberscope

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: The parts of fruits and vegetables that cannot be digested. Also called bulk or roughage. Fiber may be effective in preventing cancer.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acetate rayon, all that lives, alpaca, angora, animal fiber, Aralac, artificial fiber, Avisco, bast, biosphere, biota, body-build, brand, brawn, capillament, cashmere, cast, Celanese, character, characteristic, characteristics, Chemstrand, cilium, cirrus, cobweb, coir, complexion, composition, constituents, constitution, cotton, crasis, Dacron, denier, dharma, diathesis, disposition, Dynel, ecosphere, ethos, fabric, fibrilla, filament, filamentule, flagellum, flax, flesh, flora and fauna, floss, frame, genius, gossamer, grain, habit, hair, hank, hemp, horsehair, hue, humor, humors, ilk, jute, kapok, kind, Lastex, linen, living matter, living nature, llama hair, makeup, Manila, merino, mohair, mold, nature, near-silk, noosphere, nylon, oakum, organic matter, organic nature, organized matter, Orlon, physique, plasm, property, quality, raffia, rayon, silk, sisal, skein, somatotype, sort, spandex, spirit, spun rayon, stamp, strand, streak, stripe, suchness, suture, system, temper, temperament, tendency, tendril, tenor, Terylene, thread, threadlet, tissue, tone, tussah, type, vein, Velon, Vicara, way, web, wool, worsted, yarn, zephyr