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Pronunciation:  u`pendi'sItis

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  inflammation of the vermiform appendix
 See Also: inflammation, redness, rubor



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Ap*pend`i*ci"tis\, n. (Med.)
Inflammation of the vermiform appendix.
Medical Dictionary
 Definition: Acute appendicitis is the unrelenting inflammation of the appendix, usually resulting in rupture, if not treated by appendectomy.
Biology Dictionary
  1. This is surgery to remove the appendix because of confirmed or suspected infection of the appendix (appendicitis). In the procedure, an incision about 5 centimeters long is made in the right lower abdomen. The intestine is examined and the appendix is found. Even if the appendix is not inflamed, it will be removed, unless there is some reason not to do so. The abdominal wall is then closed by suturing together the layers.

    If there is some reason that surgical removal of the appendix is not possible (e.g. lack of proper facilities), the patient is put on antibiotics and everyone waits for either the appendicitis to subside or for surgery to become possible.

    The surgery carries with it anesthesia risks as well as the risk of infection and bleeding.

    The consequences of not having the treatment include rupture (perforation) of the appendix, which can lead to infection of the inside lining of the abdominal wall (peritonitis). Peritonitis not only increases the length of hospital stay and need for further treatment, but also increases the chance of wide-spread bacterial infection (sepsis), which can be fatal.

  2. This is the inflammation of the appendix. Early pain is around the umbilicus (belly button), later pain is localized in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen; the associated symptoms are nausea and vomiting. Diagnosis is based on the clinical progress, examination and laboratory findings of elevated white blood cells. Once diagnosed and if facility is available, appendectomy is suggested.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adenoiditis, adrenitis, arteritis, arthritis deformans, arthritis fungosa, arthritis pauperum, atrophic arthritis, atrophic inflammation, blennorrhagic arthritis, brain fever, bronchitis, bunion, bursitis, capillaritis, carditis, catarrh, catarrhal inflammation, cerebellitis, cerebral meningitis, cerebritis, cerebrospinal meningitis, chronic infectious arthritis, chronic inflammation, cirrhotic inflammation, climactic arthritis, clitoritis, colitis, collagen disease, conjunctivitis, cystitis, degenerative arthritis, diffuse inflammation, encephalitis, endocarditis, enteritis, equine encephalomyelitis, exudative inflammation, fibroid inflammation, focal inflammation, gastritis, gingivitis, glossitis, gonococcal arthritis, gonorrheal arthritis, gonorrheal rheumatism, gout, gouty arthritis, hemophilic arthritis, hepatitis, hyperplastic inflammation, hypertrophic arthritis, hypertrophic inflammation, infectional arthritis, infectious hepatitis, inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome, laryngitis, lumbago, lumbar rheumatism, mastoiditis, meningitis, menopausal arthritis, metastatic inflammation, metritis, milk leg, mucous colitis, mumps meningitis, myelitis, necrotic inflammation, nephritis, neuritis, obliterative inflammation, ophthalitis, ophthalmia, orchitis, osseous rheumatism, osteitis, osteoarthritis, osteomyelitis, otitis, ovaritis, paradental pyorrhea, penitis, pericarditis, periodontitis, peritonitis, pharyngitis, phlebitis, podagra, proliferative arthritis, prostatitis, pyonephritis, pyorrhea, pyorrhea alveolaris, reactive inflammation, rheumatism, rheumatiz, rheumatoid arthritis, rhinitis, sclerosing inflammation, seroplastic inflammation, serous inflammation, serum hepatitis, simple inflammation, sinusitis, spastic colon, specific inflammation, subacute rheumatism, suppurative arthritis, suppurative inflammation, syphilitic arthritis, tennis elbow, testitis, thrombophlebitis, tonsilitis, torticollis, toxic inflammation, traumatic inflammation, tuberculous arthritis, tuberculous rheumatism, ulcerative colitis, uratic arthritis, ureteritis, urethral arthritis, urethritis, uteritis, vaginitis, vertebral arthritis, visceral rheumatism, vulvitis, wryneck