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Meaning of TRUNK

Pronunciation:  trungk

Matching Terms:  Truncal, Truncal obesity, Truncate, Truncated, truncated cone, truncated pyramid, truncation, truncation error, Trunch, Truncheon, Truncheoned, Truncheoneer, Truncocolumella, Truncocolumella citrina, Truncus, truncus atrioventricularis, truncus celiacus, truncus pulmonalis, Trundle, trundle bed, Trundle-bed, Trundlehead, Trundletail, trunk call, Trunk engine, trunk hose, trunk lid, trunk line, Trunk piston, trunk road, trunk route, Trunk steamer, Trunkback, Trunked, trunkfish, Trunkful, trunks, Trunkwork, trunnel, Trunnion, Trunnioned

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a trunk in your dream, represents old memories, ideals, hopes, and old emotions. It may indications issues and feelings that you have not dealt with. Seeing the trunk of a car in your dream means a pleasant journey. Seeing the trunk of a tree means your inner sense of well being and personality. If the trunk is thick and large, then it indicates that you are a strong, rugged and durable person. If the trunk is thin and narrow, then it suggests that you are a highly sensitive person.