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Meaning of TRACK

Pronunciation:  trak

Matching Terms:  TRAC, trace, trace element, trace element analysis, trace program, trace scheduling, traceable, traced, Tracer, tracer bullet, traceroute, Tracery, Trachea, tracheal, tracheal vein, Trachearia, Tracheary, Tracheata, Tracheate, tracheid, tracheitis, Trachelidan, Trachelipod, Trachelipoda, Trachelipodous, Trachelobranchiate, Trachelorrhaphy, Trachelospermum, Trachelospermum jasminoides, Trachenchyma, Tracheobranchia, Tracheobronchial, tracheobronchitis, Tracheocele, tracheoesophageal fistula, Tracheoesophageal Puncture, Tracheophonae, Tracheophyta, tracheophyte, Tracheoscopy, tracheostomy, Tracheostomy button, Tracheostomy tube, tracheotomy, Trachinoid, Trachinotus, Trachinotus carolinus, Trachinotus falcatus, Trachipteridae, Trachipterus, Trachipterus arcticus, Trachitis, trachodon, trachodont, Trachoma, Trachonitis, Trachurus, Trachurus symmetricus, Trachurus trachurus, Trachycarpous, Trachymedusae, Trachyspermous, Trachystomata, Trachyte, Trachytic, Trachytoid, tracing, tracing paper, tracing routine, track and field, track ball, track down, track event, track meet, track record, track star, trackable, Trackage, trackball, tracked, tracked vehicle, tracker, tracker ball, tracking, Tracklayer, trackless, trackless trolley, Trackman, Trackmaster, trackpad, TrackPoint, Track-road, Trackscout, track-to-track seek time, Trackwalker, Trackway, tract, tractability, tractable, tractableness, Tractarian, Tractarianism, Tractate, Tractation, Tractator, Tractile, Tractility, traction, traction engine, traction headache, Traction wheel, Tractional, Tractite, Tractitious, Tractive, Tractor, tractor feed, Tractor screw, tractor trailer, Tractoration, Tractory, Tractrix, Tracy

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are tracking something or someone, suggests that you need to get in touch with some aspect of yourself. The dream may be a pun for some goal, person, or ideals which you have lost track of. Dreaming that you are being tracked indicates that you need to be more careful and stand up for yourself. You need to be on your guard and on the defensive.
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