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Meaning of MAST

Pronunciation:  mast

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing the masts of ships in your dream means long and pleasant journeys and new companionships. Seeing the masts of wrecked ships in your dream indicates sudden changes in your situation.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: advocate, alpenstock, antenna tower, arm, athletic supporter, back, backbone, backing, bandeau, barbican, bare pole, bearer, belfry, bell tower, boom, bowsprit, bra, brace, bracer, bracket, brassiere, bumpkin, buttress, campanile, cane, carrier, cervix, club, colossus, column, corset, crook, crossjack yard, crosstree, crutch, cupola, derrick, dolphin striker, dome, fire tower, flying jib boom, fore jack, foremast, foreroyal mast, foreroyal yard, fore-skysail mast, fore-skysail yard, fore-topgallant mast, fore-topgallant yard, fore-topmast, foreyard, foundation garment, fulcrum, gaff, girdle, gooseneck, guy, guywire, jack, jib boom, jock, jockstrap, king post, lantern, lazy jack, lighthouse, lower boom, mainmast, main-royal mast, main-royal yard, main-skysail mast, mainstay, maintainer, main-topgallant mast, martello, martello tower, masthead, minaret, mizzen, mizzenmast, mizzen-royal mast, monument, neck, obelisk, observation tower, pagoda, pilaster, pillar, pinnacle, pole, prop, pylon, pyramid, reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcer, rest, resting place, rigging, shaft, shoulder, shroud, skysail yard, skyscraper, spanker boom, spanker gaff, spar, spars, spine, spire, spreader, sprit, staff, standing rigging, standpipe, stave, stay, steeple, stick, stiffener, strengthener, stupa, support, supporter, sustainer, tack bumpkin, television mast, timber, tope, topgallant mast, topgallant yard, topmast, tour, tower, tree, turret, upholder, walking stick, water tower, whisker boom, whisker pole, windmill tower, yard, yardarm