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Meaning of MAIL

Pronunciation:  meyl

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that receive mail indicates that you need to communicate or re-establish contact with someone from your present/past. It may also represent messages from your unconscious or intuition. The mail may also be a pun on a "male" in your life. If you receive mail from someone you don't know, then it suggests that some hidden aspect of yourself is trying to tell you something.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: air-express, airfreight, airmail, armature, armor, armor plate, body armor, book post, buckler, bulletproof vest, carrier, carrier pigeon, chain armor, chain mail, chitin, coat of mail, consign, correspondence, cortex, covert, direct mail, direct-mail selling, dispatch, drop a letter, elytron, embark, episperm, expedite, export, express, feather, feathers, forward, fourth-class mail, frank, freight, habergeon, hackle, halfpenny post, harness, hauberk, homer, homing pigeon, junk mail, letter post, letters, lorica, lorication, mail car, mail coach, mail packet, mail train, mail truck, mailer, mailing list, mail-order selling, mailplane, needles, newspaper post, packet boat, panoply, parcel post, pericarp, pigeon post, plate, plate armor, plumage, post, post boat, post car, post coach, post day, poster, post-horse, post-office car, PP, protective covering, railway mail car, RD, registered mail, remit, RFD, rural delivery, rural free delivery, scute, scutum, sea mail, seapost, send, send away, send forth, send off, shell, shield, ship, special delivery, special handling, speculum, spines, suit of armor, surface mail, test, testa, thick skin, transmit